by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
In our new trajectory toward self-mastery, many of us are feeling the intensity of the lessons that shape our souls. Lessons that are opportunities to help us heal aspects of ourselves that are not yet integrated or that we wish to expand into. February, an 11th universal month, is a month that invites us to live from a brain-heart balance space, perceiving our experiences and others from a more unified space.
Only when we remain in our hearts is that we can find peace, resilience, and clarity about where we are going, no matter what is taking place outside our heart’s confines.
During this passage, many of you are now heading towards a new cycle, one that can only be transited when you consciously choose to walk your shadows, integrate your lessons, and above all pain, as the most valuable of our teachers in this human journey, as well as many other precious opportunities to continue knowing and healing ourselves.
Our divine vehicles are the expression of the Divine in the physical. They experience all the baggage we carry not only from this lifetime but for many other lifetimes. The suffering, the love, the unloved, and all we have ever been or felt. This is why when we keep ourselves from expanding into who we are, our bodies show our resistance, in the form of many symptoms, which shall not be confused with ascension physical symptoms, but with resistance ones.
When we are afraid of letting go of what is not meant to be, this resistance to grow and step into the unknown may arise in our bodies in the form of pain in our knees, spinal column, feet, or hips, as a sign not of physical ascension but of the self-sabotage and limitation that we are creating to ourselves.
When we do not want to see the Truth that the Divine sends to us at every moment, denying what shall be released, and allowing the ego to live in the illusion that we can control everything, we experience resistance in the parts of our bodies that represent moving forward.
This is a time of great transformation and transition for many souls who too are choosing to physically exit the planet, for they are ready to move into a new harmonic plane, after years of inner work and conscious focus on what they wish to manifest next, at a soul level.
Uranus direct since the end of January, Venus moving into Aries, Jupiter direct in Gemini today, together with a Full Moon at 24 degrees in Leo on the 12th of February, expand all we are experiencing, for it is a year to deepen into our personal human and galactic history, unifying, healing, clearing, and transfiguring that which we need to dissolve, to move into our new destination, one we create with every thought, feeling and action.
We are leaving behind old timelines, anchoring/stabilizing new ones, focusing only on what enriches our soul and human experience. It is now a time for us to move out of illusion, something that the Era of Pisces has taught us, and now that ends we are ready to move into a more empowered space, represented by Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries, the Greatest shift of this year, for it is the end of Consciousness slavery in our planet.
The end and the beginning of mind and soul freedom, for as we liberate our minds from the old program, we too liberate our DNA and soul from the many consciousnesses traps that we still have in our plane and in the fourth-dimensional one.
This is a very important time for all of you who are embodying your mission, or new divine assignments, for you may be challenged to step into new ways of being, and assisting that you were never called before.
When there is Will, Love, and Power, there is always a Way.
May you create your Way towards freedom, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,