by James McConnell
I am Saint Germain, and I come to be with you at this time, in these indeed continuing changing times.
But what times are these? What change in time are these? You are right in the midst now; of the beginning, as your discussion earlier of the new golden age. Again, but not only of America, but of the entire world, the entire planet is going through a metamorphosis; if you will, a transition.
And you are right in the middle of that now, but also know that as we have said many times, you are the catalyst, you, the light workers and warriors, the light beings that are here on the earth to move this entire process forward, this entire ascension process forward.
But before that can happen, before the ascension can take full swing, you first have to crumble the old, the old illusion, the illusion must fall. And the illusion, my friends, my brothers and sisters, the illusion is falling fast now.
You are beginning to witness the advent of the changes coming in, the advent of the new disclosure of revealing everywhere. Starting here, yes, in this United States for America, the beginning of the new republic, and this is the beginning of the new republic, and your president, the one president Trump knows about the republic.
He knows he is the catalyst for this, but he also knows that he is not just for America, even though he says, make America great again. It is not only that, he knows it is a bigger responsibility, a larger responsibility that he has in front of him. Not only to make America great again, but to make the earth great again, to make the world great again.
To make everything come together as it needs to, as it was meant to, as you are the ones, you are the ones throughout the galaxy that have come here to be a part of this and to move this expression forward. But not only again of the expression here on this planet, but the expression throughout the solar system and the galaxy.
The ascension of the entire galaxy is in beginning process now because of what you are doing here on this planet, what you came here to do.
So allow the process to continue to play out, and yes, do not succumb to fear. Do not succumb to any of the control that, those that have been in charge in the past but are no longer.
Those that hang on and will continue to hang on with their dying breaths, they will continue to attempt to hold on to control of the planet, control of humanity, but they have lost and they know it, they at the deepest levels of them, their being, they know they have lost.
But they will continue to cry out to hold on as much as they can, but alas, they have failed and the plan, the great universal plan is certainly in works right now. It is in the entire flux of it being right now, to move forward into the next stage, the next phase if you will.
Some have called it the second phase, and that is what you are approaching right now, that second phase. So be ready, be ready, but not in fear, do not allow those that attempt to hold on, attempt to spread fear, do not allow that to come into you. Know that the illusion is fading and your new reality, that you have come here to create and are in process of continuing to create, now is becoming the new reality,
I am Saint Germain and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to move forward, move forward and continue to create the new republic of this United States for America and the world at large.