by Judith Kusel
Dear Precious Soul
You are, as all is being purified, clarified, by the White Flame of Illumination, asked to become fluid like water, light as air, see-through, as all is now accelerating so rapidly, that what you were, even one breathing moment ago, is no longer there.
Letting go does not mean losing or loss of anyone or anything, but rather a total change in form and being transfigured into a new you, a new super you, a lighter, illumined Solar Crystalline Liquid Lightbody you, soul empowered, claiming your own Divinity, your birthright, the truth of the infinite soul you, as originally created and birthed into being.
Water vaporizes, and becomes one with the air then births a new form, which becomes clouds, and clouds become the rain which feeds the streams, the rivers, the ocean.
So are you now constantly changing from density into pure liquid light.
Illuminated. Radiant. Shining. Translucent.
I have during my journeys done a lot of earth energy work and I know that when you call in the Guardians and Keepers of these places, and ask for permission to enter, with an open loving heart and soul, and pure intent, and they welcome you in, and now everything changes.
Suddenly you can see, what you could not see before. You now step into a multiple dimensional world, where all coexists.
There are souls who vowed not to leave the earth when we first fell from the original 7th dimensional state with the Fall of Mu and Lemuria, and the later 5th dimensional Atlantis, but would hold the light steady, until we finally are in the New Earth, and the New Golden Age is fully anchored in. They are the Ancient Ones. They are rendering such immense selfless loving service and I have so often found them showing themselves to me wherever I go.
As you gain in consciousness, you are lit up from within and filled with love and light, in thought, word and deed, that you are harmless. When you are harmless you become ONE with all life, all existence, and this when all will be revealed to you, as those who live in the different dimensions, reveal themselves, like the Ancient Ones.
Yes, we are now transfiguring into a new illumined embodiment and see through.
This is why you are asked to release all the old stuff, all the shackles, attachments, fear based energy, etc. Totally. No half measures nor half-heartedness.
When you are see through you have nothing to hide, no hidden things, no hidden cords, attachments.
You are illumined within and without.
Remember this, and let go.
Your soul knows.
So does your heart.
And so it is!