by Judith Kusel
Fast Forward and onwards, upwards….
In the last 48 hours huge cosmic portals have been opened, and this means that the super-fast forward buttons have been pushed, as not only will all be going through intensified changes this year but in the next as well.
I have been aware that this would happen for some time, as I work with the Earth’s energies and energy fields, and are shown what is happening, and with all the inner and outer changes happening as the Old Earth has been cleaved open to the core and now being incorporated into the New Earth, this is all 7th dimensional and thus the dimensional frequency band, of the ORIGINAL Earth, when she was first created billions of earth years ago, indeed, trillions. I touched upon this in my “Earth Changes” online seminar on Saturday.
So, the shift is on earthly planes, as much as on solar, intergalactic, universal, and multi-universal levels. All is ONE.
This means that the divide between the Old paradigm and the New is widening, and will now widen at lightning speed, as those who choose to still get caught up in the old dramas, the old patterns and old way of life, will by the end of the year, not be able to see or interact with those who are choosing to fully embrace unity and Oneness consciousness and fully let go of the old.
What will appear now, is the Shadow, and in ourselves too and how! All which is still there which needs to be released, which needs to dissolve, which needs to be alchemized into the higher dimensional state and be brought into balance and harmony will surface and it will shock the living daylights out of those who still had blinkers on, and even those who had not. Some out of fear for the unknown will try to desperately cling to the old, but then find they have no-thing to cling to.
The trick is to not get caught in the dramas, but rather to know that all has to be revealed, so that it can finally heal the collective wounds of humanity. The focus now shifts from the I to the WE.
It brings with it a daily call to truly focus on what you do wish to manifest, to create, to project out into the world, while at the same time, all you heartfelt intention and attention should be on what you truly wish to manifest in the New Earth, for the greater good of all, and with love.
There is no backing down, nor trying to go backwards now. This is an extreme fast forward movement, a revolutionary and evolutionary one, and there is no return. The ship has left the harbour or port and is now on its journey towards the end goal, so that by 2032 this phase of the Shift into The New Earth and New Golden Age will be complete.
Cling onto nothing and no one.
Get rid of all the baggage – it cannot serve you in the New Earth for no baggage, not even if it is the fraction, or a fraction of what you originally wanted to take along.
Concentrate on becoming the truth of who and what you are, knowing that all your needs are being taken care of, and you are always protected and guided every step of the way, should you choose to fully ascend.
Many souls have already ascended, and now real work begins in earnest.
Become pure Light, blinding like the sun.
The essence here is LOVE AND JOY.
For indeed, to serve with great love and joy, deeply inspired from within.
Even when it feels that all is changing at such an enormous pace, and in the blink of an eye. You have this, as you were for, prepared for these thousands of earth years and beyond and all the navigational tools are there within you.
And all through the heart and soul of Love and loving intent.
What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth.
Judith Kusel