by Nicky Hamid
“You Are Creating a Force Field of Love and Light”
I wonder if you have truly realized the enormity of what you are doing here and NOW, on this planet, in this life you are experiencing, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of LIGHT.
Through having gone through the pain and suffering (emotional, mental, physical and ‘spiritual”) and through taking your Divinity. Through remembering, to Love every aspect of who you are, you are creating a force field, a vortex and a portal that raises up the density to meld into the higher realms of Light that you are embodying.
That every Loving free will choice, every thought, feeling, and act of your Love is permanently transforming, totally opening a momentum, and accelerated possibility for every Soul (all of whom are Divine and magnificent) to raise themselves up and through a Grande Evolutionary “Gateway.”
All the “surface” appearances are but the symptoms of the Great Healing you have so Lovingly come to engage in, through Your own experience and embodiment of what is of value and what is the illusion of passing appearances.
You agreed to run a version of this whole reality through you, having deliberately forgotten your Divinity so that you could go as deep as possible into this density and through your own Free Will, raise it up through Yourself, and your own REMEMBERING.
You are Magnificent Beings of LIGHT and as you Remember, you make available the raising up for all who have been in deep sleep. No wonder the “Heavens” are rejoicing.
And while all the miscreations are rising to be recognized and released in love, you have tuned into the Song of Self. Don’t you sense and feel and see that millions upon millions are waking up and feeling, each in their own way, the pulse of Love, and the call of their own Divinity and Soul Song, their I AM Presence?
WE are doing it, Beloveds. Be ready to speak your Love and share your Joy of being here Present in these times of The Great Awakening. You are accomplishing your mission as are WE all, Loving act by Loving act.
You are your own Living Prayer for the New Earth.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
I So Love You