January 16, 2025, facebook.com/MorningMessages
It is important to remain consciously connected to this planet. Your Earth has a magnetic field, rhythm and frequency which have a significant affect on your personal well-being, wholeness, health and balance.
In the past, humans lived closer to the Earth and her rhythms. They lived out-of-doors, slept on the ground, farmed the lands, hunted and walked touching the soil. This way of living offered a deep sense of belonging and connectedness to the resonance and vibrations of the planet. Your society at this time is less likely to experience this deep connection with the Earth.
Most of the population lives in a world of man-made concrete and asphalt. They are born into a home that is surrounded by buildings. Those in the cities can go days, weeks, months and even lifetimes without a real connection to the Earth.
Humans are not connected in a healthy way to the vibrational field of Earth. People surround themselves with artificial, discordant vibrations created by man. Everything in your home has a vibration, no matter how solid it feels to your touch or seems to your eyes. It is vibrating slowly perhaps, but it is vibrating. These surroundings in the workplace or the home do not support your balance and well-being.
Add another layer to this artificially created matrix ~ the electronic frequencies from all your appliances, TV, computers, telephones, refrigerators. These are the discordant man-made energy frequencies in which most people live.
Alarmingly, these high frequency energetic grids are increasing, and as they do, the populace becomes more chaotic, unbalanced, unwell, and dis-eased.
The personal energy or matrix of the human is sensitive to these energetic grids, these electronic frequencies which are passing through their tissues and their bones, affecting their state of mind, their health, their sense of wholeness and balance.
We invite you to make it a conscious practice to connect with the healing, whole energetic matrix of nature, and what it offers in balance and freshness to your energy. The cohesive frequencies of nature, the vibrations of living trees, plants, stones, lakes, oceans are like whole, alive food to the human energetic field.
If you live in the city, you will need to be more creative. Bring living plants into the space, the caring for these living plants offer a simple method to balance the artificial frequencies. Make it a point to find a park or some form of nature and spend time there. This allows your energy body to discharge any unwanted, stale energy, to be replenished with a more cohesive, whole, alive, healthy vibration.
You can also sing, move, stretch, dance, look at the beauty of the day and create a flow of joy and gratitude in your personal field.