by Judith Kusel
If you wish to go travel in a spaceship and travel intergalactically, you need to be equipped to do so, not only physically, but on all levels.
I am being guided to share with you, yes you beautiful soul, because you are being prepared on all levels now, to exit the old earth and step onboard the new spaceship, the New Earth, which holds the Golden Age of miracles.
You need to shed the old garments, the old you, the old ways of operating, living, doing, being, etc completely.
Yes, because you will not be able to take any old baggage, programming, modus operandi, with you. In the new earth and higher dimensional state, these simply will be useless.
The only infinite, steadfast item which holds all you need, is your own soul.
The days of cannot, are over. You may not even be aware of what you are capable of, until you are being pushed to remember, apply and invent, and miracles happen.
These are the days where we will all be pushed out of our comfort zones, our hiding places, even when our heads are buried, like an ostrich, in the sand, because we refuse to see, to expand our visions and act upon them.
Yet, at same time, you have been prepared for this for thousands of soul earth and cosmic years, and your new spacesuit body of light is right here.
There is an infinite new life, exploration, adventures, and building a new earth now there, for you to manifest into form and being.
You have been trained, fully equipped and all you now need do, is to fully step into your gear and onboard. Your seat has been booked and has your soul name written on it in gold.
Let go whatever you are still clinging onto.
Allow your heart and soul to lovingly guide you as the GPS systems, maps are programed into your soul and higher state of consciousness. Your new 12 strands of DNA fully activated in your new Solar Lightbody spacesuit.
For even before donning that spacesuit, you were already preparing, with love, joy and gratitude for this new space journey, envisioning it, becoming it, lovingly co-creating it from the heart and soul.
So when all now starts happening, and how, you are ready and prepared, and embracing the new wholeheartedly with love.
Of course, you can choose to rather not go anywhere and continue with the old fears and old ways….
The choice is yours.