by Nicky Hamid
Severing the Emotional LOOP Once and for All: Part III
To Love Fearlessly.
This I know beyond any doubt.
My Love (which is theLove of God (Source)) can build a bridge anywhere.
Beautiful Friends
What we create in our World is up to us?
A New World through an expanded HUman Consciousness is our Destiny.
In aligning and stepping into 5D, your Shining, you are a bridge builder, it happens, simply through your Loving Presence, however you choose to Create it..
And when you experience anything that puts you out of alignment know that you have created it and the ‘imprint’ is coming up for the emotional charge to be released and thus dissolved.
Love is the catalyst, the dissolver, the resolver, and the integrator.
It is to be ’behind’ and within every move, every Freewill sovereign conscious.Choice .
Look within observe and see the belief you are holding on to that supports that which is not in alignment, to Loving the Being You ARE: .….the discoverer, that experiences, and the Knower of it, and let it go in gratitude and appreciation for that Knowing ( of the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful).
The 5D (Universal Love frequencies) you are Now moving into will not support anything without Love behind it because your Lovingness begins to fill all that you experience.
And if you hang on to ‘the loop’ you will be loosing consciousness in 5D and it will hurt until you return.
How much do you want to be a bridge builder?
Then you must DARE to cross the rainbow bridge to Freedom. ….. and to LOVE FEARLESSLY.
So you always choose to please yourself first.
My Loves, your “without’, magically transforms when you are at peace “within”.
The Ascension Portal is Present NOW and available to you whenever you are totally willing to consciously choose …. LIGHT ON.
The LIGHT you stand in when you embrace the larger Field of You. Your very own Soul Being.
Drop your attachment to your ”loops” and in a ‘flash’ you will realize permanent Love within you that knows no bounds.
Your Support Team is ALWAYS available. Use them often. They love it when you do. When you ask them to come in closer into your Life and your consciousness..
They can see things in your Auric Field that you cannot nor need to in your current Human consciousness.
Let them do your “heavy lifting”.
Our job is to choose to LOVE FEARLESSLY at ground level.
I So Love You