by Christine Day
What an exciting time this has been leading up to 2025.
I was witnessing vast changes within the energetic arena of the planet as we moved closer to New Year. The entire Universal community were instrumental in holding a collective frequency around Earth, almost like a network of light.
There was so much beauty interwoven around our planet and it was perceivable at sunrise and sunset.
Our planet has now been repositioned within a higher realm of consciousness. We have been waiting, for what feels like eons to take this next step of the adventure. Moving homeward.
As our earth plane was being repositioned to alternate higher reality spaces, we were simultaneously realigned energetically within our physical bodies, enabling us to consciously engage within the sacred realms of our natural consciousness.
All the veils have been lifted. There are so many opportunities, sacred avenues wide open now giving us a complete access to realize who we have always, in truth been.
These sacred avenues shift your awareness from the ego mind restraints to actively stabilize within your multidimensional Higher-Self wisdom and knowledge.
The Pleiadians say we have now completed the ‘New Dawning’ era and have moved into the first phase of the ‘Self Resurrection’ era.
This is where we claim and return to becoming sacred beings having a human experience.
I celebrate with each one of you at this glorious juncture.
Love and blessings,