Thanks to Albert for keeping me posted on Poof all year round.
Greetings and Salutations,
We are not going to be giving the best news tonight.
Most banks are trying to wipe out the data sheets for who gets what and why regarding all of the anticipated funds.
There are many axes getting wielded and many hands in the cookie jars all across the board, doing minimal work but paid as if they were fully vested in caring for the raging trusts and the payouts that are set up.
We do not try to keep those apart nor to monitor all of the anticipated money flows; we know you’re mostly interested in the PP programs and how that will manifest.
We do not see any energy being directed this way to release any funds for the upcoming month; it might be but if so it will come from angles we are not privy to.
You can be assured that much is coming to bear on these long awaited payouts.
Love and Kisses,