Archangel Michael through James McConnell: Trust in yourself through this process – in yourselves individually and as a collective – to bring about this great change so that the Great Changeover and the Solar Flash can happen. It is only waiting. The God Source is only waiting for you to trigger the event, you, as the collective, to trigger it. …
You are creating this part of the plan, and moving yourselves more and more into the time-line of your choosing. The old time-line is not for you. You have moved beyond it. You have passed beyond the point of no return. Not that any of you would want to return. All of you are here to move on and continue on with the Ascension process. And to once and for all end this part of the journey, to end the show, end the movie. For indeed you are watching a movie. And it is time to reach the finale of that movie. (1)
In the next few articles, I look at Blossom Goodchild’s two sources (the Federation of Light and White Cloud) for more information about the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, or solar flare that we expect at an unknown but apparently near time. The Wave of Love is said to be a planetary heart opening, the warm-up to Ascension.
A heart opening per se occurs when the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra. It’s fabulous but temporary. A second heart opening occurs at Ascension and it’s permanent. The one we discuss here is the first variety, but for the entire planet.
The Federation tell us here that this Wave of Love or solar flare is just going to be the first ripple. More are on the way, clearing the way at last for Ascension.
Much of this material is new to me in the sense that I haven’t really looked deeply into it until now.
What are we expecting to have happen?
White Cloud: When [the] time comes, that wave of love, that energy of love will sweep over, through, within your planet.
You know this because it was shown to you before you came and you agreed that you would put up with all you are putting up with now in the knowing that this wave of love, this Event if you like, will take place.
And when it does the change in vibration upon your planet and within [you] will feel so different from the way you are feeling now. (2)
Blossom: What happens when [activation of the monoliths] happens?
Federation of Light: They are of much Power … beyond your comprehension, or anyone of Earth. When ‘ignited’, when ‘activated’ … and ‘at play/in play’ … their ENERGY will enable a huge Magnetic, Energetic, Electrical Wave … of both Sound and Movement.
B: Dare I ask about the ‘movement’ part?
FoL: Taking your beloved Planet through to a Higher Dimension. (3)
B: That’s what I thought you were going to say. (4)
B: Many ask if this is the solar flare that is widely spoken of?
FoL: It is part and parcel.
We have spoken before of your Sun (that you are aware of) being the gateway to the Divine Source. Therefore, THIS DIVINE WAVE OF LOVE HAS TO COME FROM WITHIN IT.
So, Yes. We confirm it is ‘tied up within’ the solar flare that is to come.
B: Tied up within, meaning?
FoL: Exactly that … A Part of … all that is involved. For once this wave begins to flow … there shall be more to follow.
B: Oh. I haven’t heard of that before.
FoL: More so, in the sense that once ‘The Wave’ has been sent out … it shall be like a ripple effect upon the Planet and also, as if releasing the initial Wave allows then … the ‘breakthrough’ … the Freedom … for the Energy stored up behind it, to flow through, also. (5)
(1)“Archangel Michael: Trust… Trust the Entire Process,” through James MacConnell, October 1, 2023, at
(2) “Blossom and White Cloud Update, July 2021,” at
(3) Given that the Ring of Fire or Wave of Love is not Ascension, I interpret this comment as being “a higher level or subplane.”
(4) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild for March 21, 2021,” March 20, 2021, at (Hereafter FoL.)
(5) FoL, July 7, 2019, at