I love how she casually shuffles her deck while posing the potentially terrifying idea of an “Alien Invasion.” Readers of this blog will have no such concern, nor does Izabela, judging by her demeanor while handling the cards.
Of course, straight away comes the information that the word “invasion” isn’t appropriate. The rest of the reading, though, rather beautifully confirms that contact with our Galactic friends and family is “in the cards…” They clearly aren’t waiting for governmental permission.
It’s a fun exploration for me, because the mysterious “drones” over New Jersey have been seen literally 15 minutes from where we live. No officials here have been willing to say they know what they are and “who’s behind it.” Nobody is talking about shooting them down, and we don’t have fighter jets scrambling to intercept.
What gives?
In a side note for all you animal lovers…Izabela’s friendly helpers take part in the reading. Sansa performs her catly ablutions in the foreground, then glossy Algiz joins the party, and the two kitties get to choose the extra information cards.