by Digger Barr
I missed the curve and flew off the road. I was driving too fast for the road conditions which surprised me.
Apparently not as surprising as missing the curve in the road.
I had been driving down a straight stretch of highway. Although it was dark and raining the road was well traveled and it seemed to be familiar.
Right up until I missed the curve.
As I flew off the road I was elevated above the landscape and saw I was no longer where I thought I had been.
I was now in unfamiliar territory and the road was quiet, somewhat curvy and dirt with a thin layer of gravel.
It was clearly a country road not a highway.
The ground was lush green and from my elevation I could see rolling hills of wavy foliage.
There were no structures in sight. It was a very quiet place void of activity and people.
It was tranquil but felt somewhat lonely.
I realized that somehow things had changed and although it was not a stressful feeling and that I could relax into the journey, it might also be a solitude commute.
I was back in my car, slowly navigating the next turn.
Going up an incline, I knew I would eventually crest the hill and be able to see more of what’s ahead.
And maybe when the sun came up there would be more clarity still.
I woke with the realization that sunrise was still hours away.
I desperately wanted to clock those hours as sleep.
As I was thinking about going back to sleep it occurred to me that I would probably have more clarity right now than I would have when I woke up again later.
Funny how that works. I could go off on so many different tangents with that one.
But sticking to this dreamscape and what prophesy it brings me, I got up to write.
Apparently my 3D life has shifted again.
Hasn’t everyone’s’?
My wise and aware friends have all been talking about it.
My frantic and denial friends have doubled down on not talking to me altogether.
The crack in the communications has grown into a crevasse so deep and wide any bridging seems to have fallen into a Fault line.
Any footing or foundation for anchors have been turned into such rubble as if an earthquake swiped it off the surface.
What just happened?
I have a theory. I always have a theory.
Yes, its true, they always seem to be conspiratorial in nature.
It is the burden of being aware. It is the result of knowing I am not alone.
I am never alone even while driving on my country dirt road.
We are not alone.
The universe is a busy highway filled with comings and goings of things which I am not always privy to at this station.
But I can feel them and so I know, when things happen, there is a reason behind it.
This is the conspiring nature of our world.
We do not exist in a vacuous state.
Things happen for a reason.
I can only guess what those things are therefore it is a theory.
Do I know what has shifted?
No. But it would appear plans have changed a bit.
What I do know is things are shifting. Again.
What I can do is readjust my awareness and pay attention to how I navigate on my own road.
I have been operating my vehicle for a long time.
I know when its time to make adjustments, stop for fuel, take a break or what have you.
According to my dream, it’s time to make some adjustments.
Slow down. Drive carefully. There will continue to be some ups and downs and unseen curves.
Adjust to the conditions and everything will be alright.
I think I am having a Deja Vu.
If I can pull one more thing out of my dream I could say this.
It is moving into winter where I am right now.
Fields are bare and brown. Some are covered in snow.
My dream showed a transitional period from dark rain to green hills.
The wavy green fields I saw had some height to them which puts them well into the growth season, June if not July.
Coming out of the dark rainy season into lush green hills tells me this shift will take a few months.
It is the shift that throws us off balance from time to time.
There are many shenanigans afoot with mankind.
And for the planet as well.
We are moving and shifting with her all the time.
We are moving and shifting in relationship to each other.
Bridging the crevasse would be beneficial to everyone.
Maintaining our footing is a start in this direction.
This feels important to say.
No one person is in control of this.
I am not in control of any of this.
However, I am a part of all of this.
To repeat, We do not exist in a vacuous state.
Everyone is a participant in some way, somehow.
I can’t help but think if I keep getting stuck at red lights there is a higher purpose.
But then that’s probably just another conspiracy theory.
When I dream it is more than likely a message I need to pay attention too.
I am certain that there is a higher purpose.
Mind the road signs.
Stay alert and Please, Please drive responsibly.
Even though we may not see each other directly we are on the road together.