by James McConnell
I am Archangel Michael. And I come to be with you in these changing moments, in terms of the timeline, it is changing.
Timelines, yes, there are many timelines. There have always been many timelines. But more and more you are merging into a collective timeline, not just one, there will still be other timelines, but more into one particular timeline where the entire collective consciousness is moving forward into.
The ones that are not able to move into it, they will find their way into an old timeline or one that they have created for themselves, which may not be quite the ascension timeline that you are creating for yourselves.
But you are creating the ascension timeline, that is what you came here to do, that is your mission as a collective, as a group, together, as individuals within that group, and as individuals within the group, within many other groups, and within the collective consciousness of the entire planet.
You all came here to do this, to raise the vibrational frequency, to raise consciousness across the planet.
To attract higher vibrational frequency to you in terms of from the, from the celestial bodies of the solar system and the galaxies beyond the energies, all of this attracting this to you, because of who you are as a group as a collective together. You are attracting this new timeline to you.
And as you move on to this new timeline, more and more and more, you will find yourselves remaining in this new timeline and creating it for all of those around you as well. Creating it for not only those just around you but all around you, in terms of the entire planet, in terms of all of those that are ready to move forward with you into your collective creation.
And the timeline that you are creating is indeed the ascension timeline, and that is what we want to begin to think about more and more.
That is your timeline – ascension.
It is not about just moving through your daily lives and experiencing whatever it is you experience. Yes, that is important because that is the now, being in the now but always know, that you are here for so much more, so much greater, are you here for.
You are here for ascension. To bring about ascension for yourselves as individuals, and to bring all of those that are ready as well into this ascension timeline. This my friends, my brothers and sisters, is your timeline, your ascension.
You are in the ascension process right now and moving rapidly to a full ascension. A full individual and a full planetary ascension as well. You have great help everywhere from those of us that watch over you and assist you wherever we can, those of the ascended ones, the Galactic, the Agarthans, all that are here to assist in this process.
And think for just a moment of those that are here to sway you from that process, those of the dark forces, they are few, and you are indeed many. And the many will overcome the few.
It is written in the stars that this shall be so and it cannot be changed at this point. It is destiny that you are on, you are destined to move forward into this ascension timeline and, realize the full ascension that you came here for.
I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you continue to find yourselves in every given moment, moving forward on that ascension timeline.