by Christine Day
Beloved ones we greet you,
You have been in a whirlpool of multidimensional change this past calendar month. You are being made ready to enter the next phase of the ‘New Dawning’.
This is the final phase you are about to enter that formally begins as you enter your New Year frequency of 2025.
There is much to be achieved this month in preparation for your self-launching. Shifts are possible during this time that you would never have imagined for yourself.
Know that all is in hand for you to create the shift right now, in this moment. You do not need to wait to receive that, which is your authentic natural Self. The movement of re-aligning to your Self is the action of Truth, coming home to realize yourself, which has always been fully intact within you.
This is a time of returning to the home which has always resided within.
Meeting the reality of your being that is beyond the persona of the ego mind. This reality is a completion and has always been within your reach.
This is more like a realization of who you have always been, and the direct experience of everything that you are not! The ego mind persona is an illusionary shadow of your reality.
Your acceptance of this Truth aligns you to the doorway of Truth, aligning to your authentic multidimensional Self.
We continue to witness you take these steps of courage within your human experience of imperfection and simultaneously beginning to turn back toward your authentic Self.
The Pleiadians