by Judith Kusel
We have entered the moment of the great scattering, where everything seems to fragment, dissolve and all we ever knew as real, dissipates, dissolve between our fingers, even the old self.
Think of a kaleidoscope. You look into the lens and see a sacred geometrical pattern created by tiny pieces of coloured glass.
However, if you turn the lens, the pieces scatter, the pattern dissolves into seeming chaos, until there forms an even greater, more powerful sacred geometrical shape.
This what is happening now.
In the last 48 hours we have moved into a much higher dimensional frequency band, which is causing that shattering.
This has been so powerful, that I had to been forced to rest, and had the cosmic teams working on my energy fields. I was tuning into sounds I never heard before, very high tones and angelic. Profound. Not of this world.
I was shown the Seraphim singing in the new creation.
This will intensify and the physical and all twelve bodies need rest.
More than this it will feel at times as if you are being scattered, fragmented at times, even as the old pieces of what is left of the old you surfaces to dissolve.
Yet look how the sound and light frequencies now bring in the higher healing, the higher cosmic resonance, the greater awakening of long dormant faculties within your soul.
More than this you will at times experience what it is like to be in more than one place at once. You will be able to experience multi-dimensionality in greater degree as the cosmic you is tuned in.
This is forming the greater you, the full awakening of the New Solar Lightbody and the full activation of the new twelve strands of DNA.
The new and much higher consciousness sacred patterns of the new human are now forming within you, as it emerges from the scattering.
“I AM making everything new!”