(Continued from Part 1, above.)
As was revealed to me in a vision in 1987, (1) God has a message. God, it turns out, wants to meet itself. (2) And, since God is all there is, that can be a problem. How does the One (3) without a second meet itself?
It takes love – because everything is created from love – and it builds an illusory world. And it creates temporary forms and enters into each form and veils its identity from itself. And then it creates laws that draw the “individual” through love itself to truth.
And the truth is “I am God.” And the truth is “We all are God.” And the truth is “God is everything.”
When one of us realizes “I am … God,” God meets God. “O Thou I!” said Bayazid of Bistun, illustrating that moment of realization. (4)
And for that meeting was all of this created.
Longing fulfilled. My life consummated; God’s delight boundless.
I am still individuated but now I know I am God whereas before I did not.
And every one of us is embarked on the same celestial journey, from God to God.
I could give you quote after quote from terrestrial sages to the effect that enlightenment is the purpose of life, everything you want is to be found in enlightenment, etc. (5) But that’s what we’re all doing here: becoming enlightened.
If you want a touchstone separating good from evil, it would be, for me, does this bring me “closer to” or “farther away” from God? Does it take me farther along on my journey to the Source and Destination of all life?
The way life is designed on the Third/Fourth Dimension is that universal laws prevail which function to move us closer and closer to God and the universal consummation in enlightenment. The law of karma, for instance, feeds back to us what it feels like to do unto another what we just did. But, hey, this has become long enough. Let that be the subject of another post.
We now have a way of distinguishing good from evil: Does what I’m doing carry me “farther” away (in any way) from or “closer” to the Mother/Father One?
Since God is everything, how can we be farther away from or closer to God? I hear you say.
We can be farther away or closer to God in our emotions, which is why the sages say, yearn for God. Nothing is achieved without longing. And after real yearning is achieved, soon comes the rosy dawn.
(1) See “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf
(2) Archangel Michael has asked me not to capitalize: “We do not want anything capitalized.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.) (Hereafter AAM.)
Steve: Are you okay with the four-part article on ignition?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: Okay. I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar.
Steve: Okay, I get that. Thank you. (AAM, Jan. 3, 2017.)
(3) I allow myself this one exception.
(4) “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!'” (Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.)
(5) The online dictionary of quotations called From Darkness Unto Light is entirely on enlightenment and the Trinity to be realized. At https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness_to_Light