October 13, 2024, via email
This energy is intense. Over the last few weeks, there have been incredible highs and the deepest of lows.
It feels like the pendulum is swinging wildly now. In one moment, we can feel our connection and our magnificence, and the next, we are face to face with our shadow.
While exhausting, there is great purpose to this. The more we get to know ourselves, our TRUE selves, the more of what is not our truth must be seen: our limiting programming, beliefs, and fears.
We are being challenged to understand and accept that each person has their own reality and connects to one of the multiple collective realities in play within this hologram. This can be quite mind-boggling as we try to grapple with what is truth. Many of us are finding that the only truth is our personal truth and the beliefs that align with that.
In that alignment with our personal truth, we are beginning to see where we have given away our power and “bought into” someone else’s version of reality.
We are also faced with the reality that we have chosen to be stuck, trapped, limited, and playing a role as lesser. Once we can see the value and lesson in the experience, we can then decide that we are done with the role and begin to shift in even greater ways.
The split is here; the rift between the frequency bands is widening. While we can feel the split “out there,” the true split is within. We choose which aspects of ourselves will have the starring role going forward. The higher or lower. Our expanded or contracted self. We get to choose in each moment.
I was talking with someone recently who has been experiencing the intense highs and lows of this powerful transformational period. In the deep valleys of the energy waves, they felt their vibration go very low and were concerned that this would inhibit their growth.
I shared with them that during this period, we are working very hard to see into our deepest depths, and often, these depths tank our vibration. We HAVE TO go into the low vibration, the uncomfortable feelings, to know and understand the programming & beliefs that created the shadow aspects.
We will keep riding the waves until the seas are smooth and the hidden or lower aspects are no longer present. The lower we go, the higher we go, so allow yourself to dive in.
This level of intensity will continue for some time. Our bodies will adjust to the strength of the solar flares, bit by bit, and the seas will calm when we have completely explored our depths. What we may find within our shadows are hidden gems, aspects of ourselves that we have hidden among the muck, just waiting for us to bring them to the light.
It is an amazing and brutal time, but we were MADE for this!