I pray that I don’t give up, pray that I do my best
Pray that I can lift up, pray my brother is blessed
Praying for enough, pray Virgilio wins
Pray I judge nobody and forgive me my sins
I pray we make it, pray my friend will pull through
Pray as I take it unto others, I do
Praying on your love, we pray with every breath . . .
Sanat Kumara, the Law of Sacred Purpose (1)
I am pleased to step forward in this way and to serve you, yes, to tutor you, to teach, but also primarily simply to help you remember because, dear hearts, all of this information, this deep fundamental knowing, has been anchored within thee for eons.
Some of you are newcomers to Gaia, newcomers to Earth, but you are not newcomers to the Universe, and you have come in your mastery, not only to anchor the shift and the Ascension of humanity, but in that, and part of that Ascension, is the adherence of the human collective to higher Law, to original Law, to the only Law that has meaning and that is the Law of the Universe, what you would think of as the framework of operations from Mother/Father One . . .
You came to abolish the density, and to assist the Mother and Gaia in the restoration of Her Plan, and in the restoration of that Plan is the plan of you.
This is a chapter of your existence, and granted it is a very exciting chapter, a chapter that includes adventure and Ascension and creation and return to One, but it is only a chapter.
So, you say:
“Well then, why do we experience it? Why do we feel so pulled down by the density?”
Well, if you do not experience it, how do you break it?
And that is why so many of the light-workers, light-holders, Love-bearers do experience the density. If you say to me:
“SK, how come some are completely oblivious not only to the density, to the heaviness of such false grids and paradigms, the vasanas, how do they not know? Why do they not seek freedom?”
Because they are not awake.
Because the density is like a cloak that they’ve embraced, and that they hold near and dear.
Does that make it real? No.
Gaia’s Purpose
If you go back to original purpose, to the sacred purpose of Gaia, when the Mother said in Her Infinite Creation:
“I would like a place for my angels to play,”
Gaia who, up until that time, was in the form and the energy and the fullness of being an archangel, said,
“Mother, I will do it. It would be fun for me. I will assume this physical reality form. I will not forget Who I Am, but I will play at this for a while, and I will have such diverse beauty even more – listen to what I say – even more and greater beauty than an archangel.”
And so the Mother gave her, infused her, with her idea, with the energies to bring forth this planet of ultimate beauty, but it was never part of the plan that Gaia would simply be Eternal, that she would always be in this form or that the humans would be here indefinitely, forever.
It was intended to be evolution, soul evolution, and as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s Plan and the intensity of her energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend to come back full circle to where they were intended to be, grew.
That is why we say that it is not simply an Ascension into the 5th dimensional reality.
It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions.
Now, when that is anchored, the pattern, the re-patterning, the grid, the model is set, and those planets who have had their own hurdles will then take the pattern, the energetic imprint of Gaia, and be able to utilise that and the energetic imprint of humanity and be able to utilise that with their own populations so that they may rise back to the place of Love, back to a place of greater consciousness, and I wish to speak to that, because Love is the form of consciousness.
It is complete consciousness — and do not confuse consciousness and heart consciousness and Love consciousness with intelligence.
There are planets that are phenomenally advanced and highly intelligent, but they have not perfected the anchoring of that grid of Love, and that is the sacred purpose of Gaia, and all upon her.
It is the beauty of Love, and yes, they are waiting in the wings.
Archangel Michael has been so clear with all of you that part of your Ascension process is making peace not only with the old 3rd, but also coming to embrace what we would call, and refer to, as the new cleaned-up 3rd.
SK says the key as we go forward is to accept our mastery – to Love ourselves – that it is the Plan, our individual sacred plan to be in alignment with Divinity, and what Ascension is about.
What is Ascension?
It is moving into heart consciousness.
It is the restoration of Love.
It is the alignment with sacred purpose and what is that?
It’s how we began.
It is the alignment of your heart, your mind, your will with the Heart and Mind and Will of Mother/Father One.
Lao Tzu, the Blessing and Virtue of Humility (2)
The ability to experience the kingdom of heaven is within you right now.
There is a misunderstanding that you cannot experience the Kingdom of Heaven unless you have died, left your body, but that is not true.
This is what this Ascension is about.
It is anchoring Heaven on Earth.
It is anchoring Love on Earth because that is what Heaven is.
It is the state of being completely and totally in Love and having the freedom of movement to explore, to play, to sing, to go bowling, if you wish!
(1) “Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose with Sanat Kumara, Part 1/2,” August 13, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/13/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-sacred-purpose-with-sanat-kumara-part-1-2/
(2) “Heavenly Blessings: The Blessing and Virtue of Humility with Lao Tzu,” April 24, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/24/heavenly-blessings-the-blessing-and-virtue-of-humility-with-lao-tzu/