The Universal Law of Change taught to us by Universal Mother Mary through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, helps us understand that our core, our essence, Who We Are, is never-changing, yet we are ever-changing.
That is the Law of Change,
ever-changing, yet never-changing.
Lately, I have been watching YouTubes of political candidates hurting each other.
My practice, after I free myself from freezing in fear, in old trauma, is to send Love — to wrap situations in magenta like the Buddha taught us to do in the Blessing and Virtue of Compassion, to sprinkle Jophie Dust, the way Archangel Jophiel said to do in the Blessing and Virtue of Awe, and to drop Kwan Yin’s Pink Pearls into hearts . . .
In this Law channeling, the Mother goes into an explanation of the internal physical, saying:
“This, for all of you, is the best place for you to understand the constancy of the Law of Change.
“Every moment your heart is beating, there is oxygen exchanged, new cells are being created, some are dying off.
“There is constant movement in your physical body, and it is creating the New.
“You may say, ‘Well, I don’t think it’s creating the new, Mother. I feel like I’m getting older.’
“Well, that is a mindset that you are buying into and creating, so I would suggest you change that, as well.
“We have talked about rejuvenation and restoration, but most of you are not internalizing it, and I would encourage you to do so.”
So, I sat with this.
I wrote it in my intentions app:
internalize rejuvenation and restoration
I asked the Mother for help because I had hit a stand-still around deeper self work.
I felt her Energy come around me as I lay surrendered on my bed.
I listened.
I saw episodes of my life . . .
I saw recreations of me expecting hurt to come my way.
I saw that this was what I was holding in my field — me, recreating the past, expecting more of the same hurt to come my way, me not showing up in my worth — experiences of the old 3rd.
Well, that is not Who I Truly Am!
Thank you, Mother, for showing me!
Awareness set me free in the moment!
I can be acceptance and non-judgement of that pattern — I Am Acceptance and Compassion.
I can be grateful for the awareness of the pattern — I Am Gratitude!
I Am Joy that I don’t need that to happen any more, and if it does, if someone says or does something or I see someone hurt another, in my deeper mastery, it probably won’t affect me as much because I can show up for me. I Am Aware now of the pattern 🙂
I Am the Acceptance and the Compassion.
I Am deeper Love for myself/others and I Am Grateful for deeper allowance now of my worth – as within so without.
I Am the Law of Change.
I embrace the change . . .
I Am Rejuvenation and Restoration
Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Change
with Universal Mother Mary
Excellent Meditation at 18:03 minutes
Universal Mother Mary at 30:26 minutes