Greeting and Salutations and Salutations,
We believe the turmoil and the crisis that is under way is for the better days to come. We do not see any funds being dropped quite yet but we do see the clinching and tightening and hoarding is being lessened as the folk who were told to retain all of these are being replaced or dying off.
There are ways to maintain the secrecy and the idea of ownership that has held them in abeyance for so long being lessened, but then the final day can only come when these funds can be released into the hands of every one, not the few.
The g/nesara and nesara ideas are floating and there are efforts to make that a reality; we’ll see. We know the hurdles that have to be overcome to do that. So all is still in process as we have said so many times. You are all standing by and that is good.
You have all been real doorkeepers for this entire saga for a very long time. Be that as it may we can again assure you that it would not have traveled this far if it were not for real. Take that to any bank; it is the end game that keeps all holding forth.
Love and Kisses,