As you can imagine, this article is super long. Bobby’s been at this fight for decades. In my view, dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump was the right thing to do for anyone who truly is sincere in his love for this country. Walking the talk is what we should expect our representatives to do.
I’m excited about the demonstration of unity among the previously politically divided. Once people realize what’s actually at stake, the choice to join together becomes clear as crystal. And for the record…this country is a Republic, not a democracy.
Click the image above for the full listen and watch…
by Pepe Lives Matter, September 4, 2024,
Robert Kennedy Junior’s Greatest Red Pill Moments
On the Military Industrial Complex
“There are three rules you need to know and should memorize:
Number One: Every power that the government takes from us, it will never relinquish voluntarily. They told us they wanted lockdowns for two weeks, just to flatten the curve, just to help the hospitals. But then 20 months later they still have us locked down. And even when they give up, when they stop the lockdowns and let us go back to normal, they are not relinquishing power. This is so they can do it to you again and again and again. They now have that power, and they will never let it go until we make them let it go.
Number Two: Every power they take from us they will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.
Number Three: Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.”
Robert Kennedy, Jr. says that the military-industrial complex and the CIA killed JFK and Robert Kennedy, because they wanted to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. He says that the Vietnam War, assassinations of political figures, 9/11, and Covid have pushed us further into a security state.
“Eisenhower made the most important speech probably in American history. He warned America that if we were not careful, the military-industrial complex, this permanent warfare economy and machine that we created, would destroy our democracy, would subvert all the institutions that we created, impoverish our country and turn us into a surveillance and security state.
My uncle tried to make peace with the Soviet Union, but the CIA thwarted it. My uncle said, “I want to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” The CIA wanted him to go to Laos, but he refused. They wanted him to go Vietnam, he refused. They wanted him to go war with Russia, instead he made friends.
My uncle was killed, almost certainly by the CIA and the military-industrial complex. My father then runs against them, he also gets killed. Again, almost certainly by the CIA. The man who actually fired the shot that killed him was a CIA asset. A guy named Eugene Thane Cesar. Lee Harvey Oswald we now know was a CIA asset.
We went through all these traumas. My father’s death, Dr. King’s death, Malcolm X’s death, the Vietnam War, 9/11, and Covid. Each one pushed us further down the road into a security state.”
Vaccines have zero liabilities
These Vaccine companies have immunities so that no matter how negligent they are, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous is your injury, and no matter how toxic their ingredients are: You can’t sue them.
“Four companies that make all the childhood vaccines in the United States are all serial convicted criminals. Those four companies have paid over thirty-five billion dollars in civil and criminal penalties and damages for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators, for lying to the public for killing hundreds of thousands of people.
They killed over a hundred thousand people; some estimates are as high as five hundred thousand Americans, with a drug that they were selling as a headache pill that the company knew caused heart attacks, but they did not tell the public. For many of the people who took that drug during that period, if they had known that it could kill them, they might have said, “You know, I’ll take an aspirin instead” They weren’t given that choice because they weren’t given the knowledge.
And today we have the same thing, but we have a conspiracy of government. They ended up paying seven billion dollars. The entire board of directors should have gone to prison. They didn’t, but they paid seven billion dollars in penalties and damages for that case. Today, we have something much worse. We have the government conspiring with those same companies to hide facts about these mandatory vaccines from the public.
And remember, these are vaccines that have zero liability. They’ve passed acts, a prep act in the United States and also the Cares Act that gives these companies immunity so that no matter how negligent they are, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous is your injury, no matter how toxic their ingredients: You can’t sue them.
Not only that. The only way that you can sue these companies is if you can show that they knew that their product caused the particular harm that you suffered, and that they didn’t tell people about it. So the incentive for these companies is to know as little about the product as possible, because the less they know, the less liability they have.
So they create these pre-clinical trials that are fraudulent, and designed to hide not just from the public and from regulators, but also from the company about whether or not there’s any problem. And because of that, we’re seeing products that are very, very poorly tested, and that they’re being mandated to the public in order to be able to exercise our other rights; to education, and to leaving our homes in some cases. And you know, that really is the essence of tyranny.”
How Bill Gates makes money off philanthropic projects, globalization, and how the WHO starved Africa
“All the promises of globalization that we made to the African people back in nineteen ninety-six, when Glenn was president and Gates was driving the foreign policy…those problems all got broken, because now, that corn was left in heaps on the docks, and it wasn’t being shipped. And there were ten thousand African children dying each month of starvation.
The lockdowns really destroyed that whole illusion of globalization, but you know it was a money-making enterprise for Gates, and the vaccines did the same thing. He gives the money against tax deductions for giving the money to the WHO. He gains control of the WHO. The WHO pays to finance the health ministries in virtually every country.
So he can then say, as a condition of getting that money, this is what WHO does. As a condition to get that money, you have to show that you vaccinated a certain percentage of your population. And the vaccines that they’re buying are owned by companies that Gates owns. You know at the end, the punchline on almost all of his philanthropic projects is that he ends up making money.”
Kennedy on the killing of his father by CIA operatives
Robert Kennedy JR says that a CIA operative killed his father, explains how the autopsy report brings damning evidence that Sirhan couldn’t have possibly killed his father, and the attorney for Sirhan coincidently was the same exact attorney for a mob boss implicated in the JFK assassination, who ended up disappearing and cut into pieces before a committee could question him.
“When I sat down and read the autopsy report, it became clear to me (as it would to anyone who read that report) that Sirhan did not kill my father.
- Sirhan fired two shots at my father. He was five feet away. It was absolute mayhem.
- Waiting in the kitchen was Sirhan Sirhan. As my father approached the table Sirhan fired at him, two shots. One of those hit Paul Schrade. The other one went past my father’s ear and hit a wooden door jamb.
- Sirhan was then grabbed in a dog pile, and pointing the gun away from my father, shot six shots. There were eight shots in the barrel. All of those shots hit people. We know who they hit. We know what happened to all of those bullets.
- Sirhan was the distractor. The real shooter was behind my father. He was called Eugene Cesar, a security guard who worked for Lockheed, also a CIA operative. He was a vocal racist who hated the Kennedys.
- My father was shot four times from behind. All of the shots had an uphill trajectory…all of them. This is what the autopsy found, they were contact shots. So the barrel of the gun was touching my father’s body or clothing. Less than an inch of his skin. They left carbon tattoos on his flesh.
- There were 77 eyewitnesses who saw that Sirhan was never behind my father.
- The police did not confiscate Cesar’s gun that night.”
How Big Pharma/SSRI’s need to be investigated for their role in shootings
“It’s very important to look at the role of psychiatric drugs in these shootings. And you know, particularly the SSRIs, because we are using those like nobody else in the world. And if you look at the manufacturer’s inserts for those pharmaceuticals, most of them say suicidal and homicidal ideation on them as side effects.
There are other countries in the world, like Switzerland, that have as many guns as we do per capita, and they don’t have school shootings. The last school shooting they had was twenty-one years ago. We have one every twenty-one hours. We need to look at that.”
Robert Kennedy suggests that the Biolabs in Ukraine were being used by America to collect Russian DNA so they could target people by race
The CIA’s involvement in the media.
Robert Kennedy tells James O’Keefe that the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world. He elaborates on how Obama signed an Executive Order that made it legal for the CIA to propagandize the American people with deception, and he names multiple news organizations with deep ties to intelligence agencies.
“(The CIA) is more insidious today because of the technologies of control. They had like 400 journalists in Operation Mockingbird (that we know of) from all the largest publications. The New York Times was compromised. The high-level people at those journals were actually working for the agency or signed secrecy agreements with the CIA. CBS, ABC, NBC. After ’75, when it all came out it during the Church Committee hearings, they continued to compromise journalists all over the world.
Today, the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world. In 2016, Obama adopted an Executive Order that essentially reopened the door for Operation Mockingbird so that the CIA began once again to propagandize the American people.
Daily Beast was run by John Avalon, who has deep ties to the intelligence agencies. Even journals like Smithsonian and National Geographic, Nature, The Washington Post, and The New York Times appear to be compromised by the CIA.”
Robert Kennedy Junior on Ukraine
Robert Kennedy Junior says that the powers that be are jangling the keys of division to distract the American people from the fact that they are buying up Ukraine’s farmland, and that when he gets into office, the payday for BlackRock and Vanguard will be over:
“When we give the money to Ukraine we call it a loan. Nobody is going to pay that back. What it does it allows us to put the screws on Ukraine. We sign a contract with them that compels Ukraine to do certain things and one of those things is to sell most of its assets for cash, including its farmland. Who do you think the biggest buyer is of that land?
Why are we in this war? We know who is making the money from this war. They are doing it right in front of us. The strategy that allows them to get away with it is they keep us all at each other’s throats. Blacks against whites, Republicans against Democrats, Rural people against urban people.
When the rulers of the castle, the king and queen, look over the castle wall at the top and see all of their subjects fighting, they go back to the dining room, and they open champagne, and they toast to each other. Because as long as we are all fighting each other, we can’t see what they are doing.
It’s like someone who is jangling keys. Look at these keys. And over here they are robbing the bank and nobody is watching them. I have my eye on them. When I get into that office, the payday is going to be over for Blackrock and Vanguard.”
Robert Kennedy Junior says that the function of the CIA is to provide the military-industrial complex with a pipeline of continual new wars, and that the money being sent to Ukraine is going to military contractors, and not staying in the country. He says that Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken are beholden to the military-industrial complex profiting off the pain and suffering of war.
“That money is not staying in Ukraine, it’s going to military contractors. It’s the perfect war for the military. They get to re-up their contracts. Those are the people who drive policy in Washington DC. Mitch McConnell is part of them. Joe Biden is one.”
“When you say the military-industrial complex I’m looking for names…”
“Victoria Nuland, Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken. Those are the people who are driving it (the military-industrial complex).
We have 800 bases abroad. Each one is just a platform for a new war. The function of the CIA is to provide the military-industrial complex, my Uncle discovered this, with this pipeline of continual new wars. That money is being paid by the American middle class. That’s why we don’t have a middle class in this country.”
Robert Kennedy JR speaking truth on MK Ultra, JFK’s assassination, and Manchurian Candidates
Release the truth to the world. The people need to understand the evil that our CIA has participated in.
“The CIA is allowed to propagandize around the world, and it’s the biggest funder of journalism today. It owns some of the biggest newspapers and magazines. In 1973, there were congressional hearings that came out of the House Select Assassinations Committee when all the CIA’s secrets were revealed. They were called the family jewels.
Americans learned for the first time about Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra….It stands for mind control. The CIA had these programs in 220 universities around our country, Latin America, and Canada ~ experimenting with ways to control he human mind.
LSD came out of that program. They were using psychoactive drugs, they were using torture, they were using sensory deprivation… They were figuring out how to develop Manchurian candidates and willing assassins through hypnosis and these other techniques. How do you control whole societies through the destruction of institutions, the provocation of lies?
We had a very sophisticated program that violated a lot of American values. There’s a lot of things that came out of it. It’s hard to tell, because a lot of it was top secret. It’s a really surprisingly well-documented history.
The term conspiracy theorist
“There was a memo that went out to all of those journalists who were associated with the CIA in 1964, where they said that anyone who questions the Kennedy assassination, the Warren Report, the commission was essentially told, “You’ve got to say this was a single gunman. Do not let people talk about a conspiracy theory.”
The real head of the commission was Allen Dulles, who had been the head of the CIA, and who my Uncle had fired. When my uncle died, Dulles told a journalist ‘he thought he was a god. I’m glad the little shit is dead.’ We now know that the CIA was directly involved in my Uncle’s assassination under a 60-year cover-up. They are still not releasing the last assassination documents.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says that COVID has the Hallmarks of a CIA Coup d’État, and that the CIA does not do public health, it overthrows democracy.
“How do we use this pandemic? To suppress free speech. To censor social media in the media, to close churches, to lockdown society, to force people to wear masks, and then funnel them into the chute of mass vaccination with a quickly created and untested, zero liability vaccine. Every one of them does the same thing. None of them is about public health.
It’s a militarized and monetized response. And they’re play-acting all of these strategies for how to get Americans to go along with them. Well the CIA has for many many years studied ways of doing not only individual manipulation, but doing a mass manipulation of society. How do you go into a developing country or an indigenous country?
Cause economic chaos, shut down the economy, polarize people against each other, and create violence and chaos to the point where that country will be happy to have (an outside force) come in and control of the whole thing. And how do you sow fear and use propaganda?
One of the ways the CIA figured out all of these methodologies was put into a handbook after Hamburg. The CIA does not do public health, by the way, It does coup d’etats against democracy. The CIA was involved in eighty-seven coup d’etats against a third of the nations on Earth. Most of them democracies. So that’s what they do. The way that they studied this is they farmed out studies to sociologists at about three hundred universities.
These were programs called MK Ultra, MK surge, and Operation Artichoke. But it was all done by the universities with billions and billions of dollars.”
The United States bioweapons program originated from Operation Paperclip
“The first mission of the CIA when it was started in 1947 was called Operation PaperClip, and Operation PaperClip was an effort to get the German Nazi scientists, many of whom were sentenced to death or who were facing prosecution at Nuremberg, to smuggle them out on rat lines and put them to work developing bioweapons and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons and missile systems in the United States.
So a lot of them ended up in Fort Dietrich. They ended up down in Galveston or one of the Navy labs, and that was the beginning of the United States bioweapons program. Everything in the US bioweapons program inherited the culture from Germany and from Japan.
And I talk a lot about this. Japan was the one nation that really had used bioweaponists at an industrial scale. They killed a half a million Chinese during their war with them, which was coterminous with World War two. So that war started. They were fighting the Chinese since the mid-thirties…and they were using bioweapons.
They were not big on chemical weapons because they didn’t have the oil stocks. They didn’t have the oil resources, so they really leaned on bioweapons programs. They had done more than anybody to develop bioweapons. They had huge laboratories.
Trigger warning: Skip the next paragraph if you don’t want to be grossed out.
They did live vivisections on three thousand human beings. Mainly Chinese, but people of every race, including US soldiers that they captured. And they would give them a disease and then they would dissect them alive without anesthesia, and extract their organs. They wanted to look at the living organ.
So they had all of these cultures and they had all of this knowledge, this technical know-how. And the intelligence agencies in the military wanted to start them to figure it out and start our own bioweapons program. So they exonerated those groups and they brought them over to the United States.
And…what I show is that the US bio-weapons program from the beginning inherited not just the cultures and the techniques but also a kind of moral bankruptcy of the Nazi and Japanese scientist. That was incredibly persistent within the program up until the modern time. And so the more I found out about it, the more important I felt it was for people to understand.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks to Russell Brand about the U.S. foreign policy establishment’s role in starting the Ukraine War, and John F. Kennedy’s 1963 speech on Russia:
“President Bush famously told them, we will not move NATO one inch to the east. Well, since then, we’ve moved 1000 miles to the east. And we’ve incorporated 14 of the Russian former satellites.
They repeatedly said to us, “You cannot incorporate Ukraine into NATO.” We then unilaterally walked away from our two Intermediate Nuclear Weapons treaties with Russians. We had a treaty saying you can’t use Intermediate Nuclear weapons. These were huge steps in progress. And we canceled both of them unilaterally. We told the Russians, we’re not doing that anymore. Then we started surrounding them with these missile systems, we started practicing, you know, incorporating Ukraine into interoperability with NATO forces.
We then helped to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014, and installed a very ultra-nationalist. That is a polite way of describing them as ultra-nationalists, you know, a government that is extremely anti-Russian. That prompts the Russians to go in and invade Crimea, because they’re terrified that now that we have our own government in place there, we’re going to put our US Navy fleet at a warm water port that they’ve had for, I think, 370 years. It’s their only warm water port, and it’s their way of having a military presence in the Black Sea.”
Robert Kennedy JR says the evidence that the CIA killed JFK is so insurmountable and overwhelming that it is beyond any reasonable doubt, and that the mainstream media refuses to accept anything but the Warren Report. The American media finally had to admit that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset, and faked his Russian defection in order to deceive.
This was a conspiracy to eliminate JFK, because he refused to comply with the military-industrial complex. Is it time for the world to admit that the upper echelon of the CIA is corrupt beyond imagination?
He also says that Mike Pompeo talked to him the other day about the CIA, and told him the upper echelon of the CIA does not believe in the institutions of democracy.
The Climate Change Agenda is being used by the Davos group to implement totalitarian controls
“Climate has become a crisis like COVID that the Davos group and other, totalitarian elements in our society have used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls. But isn’t that even more of a justification? I’ve always been cautious about leaning on scientific evidence for climate, because it’s not persuasive to people who don’t wanna believe it.
I worked for commercial fishermen on the Hudson River for most of my career, and all across the country. They love the environment. Most Republicans love the environment. If you tell them you’re gonna protect this sacred place, your yard, the water for your’re gonna protect froom toxicity. They’re all in. This should not be a divisive issue. The environment should not be a divisive issue.”
Robert Kennedy elaborates on why it’s difficult for some to question the vaccines: It threatens their entire worldview. If the authorities in our world were lying about something so insidious, then what else are they deceiving us about?
“Mark Twain said, It’s easier to fool a man than to persuade him that he’s been fooled. Ego, it threatens their worldview. There are so many things that are threatening about believing the counter-narrative, because then, can I trust my doctor? Can I trust the authorities? Can I trust my country? It’s really just the entire cosmology around which we’ve weaved and constructed our lives. You have to start questioning everything. And I understand why people don’t want to do that.”
How BlackRock is attempting to take control of American homes
“Two years ago, the average resident American home was two hundred fifteen thousand dollars. Today two years later it’s four hundred thousand. And the interest rates during that same period have gone from one percent to seven percent. So that home is gonna cost him ten times what would have caused somebody two years ago. And most people don’t have a prayer.
We all know adult kids who are living with their parents. Most of us know people who are about to buy a home. They were ready to do it. And at the last moment, somebody comes in with a cash offer and swoops it out from one of them.
We’ve all heard those stories. Why is that happening? BlackRock. There’s three companies, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. And they have those three companies which all own each other. So it’s really one huge business. Also, they own eighty-eight percent of the S and P five hundred.
And now they have a new target, which is to gain ownership of all the single-family residences in this country. And they are on the trajectory to do that (if they continue). By twenty-twenty, they will own sixty percent of the homes in American corporations. So when you see those entities sweep in and take that home away because theseller needs a cash offer, it’s usually an LLC with some kind of ambiguous name. But the open owner, if you trace them back, it usually goes back to one of those three companies.”
Robert Kennedy Junior on how the government was covering up the truth about Covid with Facebook
“If you read the Twitter files and the email correspondence between Facebook and the White House, there was an acknowledgment that they were being asked, and they were complying with, censoring information that everybody knew to be true, or that was highly likely to be true.
The term ‘misinformation’ did not denote falsehood or veracity. Rather, it was a euphemism for any information that departed from government or orthodoxies. Our country had one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and the worst health outcomes.
We have 4.2% of the global population. We had sixteen percent of the COVID deaths. Blacks in Haiti with a one percent vaccination rate. We needed information. We should have all been sharing information openly and talking to the fifteen million doctors through the internet who were treating patients on the frontline all over the world and channeling the best therapies and the most successful treatments so that we could all figure it out.
This is not a time, during a pandemic…to trust the experts. It’s not a function of science. It’s not a function of democracy. It’s a function of religion and totalitarianism, and it does not make for healthier people.”
Woody Harrelson’s Dad was a CIA agent involved in the murder of JFK
“You know, Woody Harrelson’s dad was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and he confessed. He was not a shooter. When the shooting started from the grassy knoll, a big crowd of people saw the smoke coming up and they ran up to look and see what was the source of it. Secret service men suddenly appeared on the hill and pushed them all down, and said, “You can’t come up here.” The [actual] Secret Service leader said that there were no Secret Service people on that hill.
Charles Harrison’s function was to deliver the Secret Service badges to a group of people on the off. What he says, and what a lot of people say who were there that day, is that they did not know it was gonna be an assassination. They knew there was gonna be an incident, but they never imagined it would be a murder.
And a lot of those people then realized that they were part of this conspiracy in the death of the president, and they kind of scattered. A lot of them were subsequently murdered themselves, including the key member, Johnny Raselli. The day that he was subpoenaed by the house assassination committee, he disappeared. He was found a week later chopped into small pieces in an oil drum in Biscayne Bay in Miami. Samji Encano was subpoenaed to testify to that committee, and he was murdered in his basement by an assassin.
He actually confessed for the first time while he was in a police shootout. He was a professional hitman, and had worked for the CIA. He had been recruited out of the military. He worked for the CIA and for the College of Arsenal, and he died in maximum security prison for the murder of a federal judge.”
Fauci funded the Covid virus and taught the CCP how to build weapons of mass destruction
“He (Fauci) taught them cutting-edge technology for building weapons of mass destruction. Not only did he teach them that, but in other words, the the study for how to create the clones, and then how to take and how to create a spike protein that could attach to the human lung and be transplanted onto a coronavirus
He also funded, through Ralph Barrick at the University of North Carolina, a technique called the seamless ligation technique, which is a technique for hiding human tampering on that virus after you’ve done it, because normally, anybody can look at that virus and say that was made in a lab.
Fauci funded Barrick with $212M dollars, and Barrick developed a technique for hiding the human tampering. He calls it the no-seam technique. It is also known as a seamless ligation. Fauci said, “Well, we were doing this for vaccine development and countermeasure.”
There is no justification in the world for funding somebody to create seamless ligation. It has no medical benefit whatsoever. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s the inverse of what you would do if your interest was public health.
If your interest was bioweapons creation (and he was the czar of bioweapons since two thousand two), that’s what you would do. But why did he teach it to the Chinese? The Department of Defense was there. Why were they in that Wuhan lab teaching those Chinese scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction?”
Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
“They’re making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they’re making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines. If you can give somebody that vaccine and make them diabetic for life, then you’ve got a permanent customer.”
Robert Kennedy JR explains how Covid implemented an MK Ultra technique akin to the Milgram Experiment. I know of no public person who elaborates more succinctly on MK Ultra than this. It’s clips like these that tell me that RFK is on the right side of history and should join forces with Donald Trump. RFK’s family line has suffered at the hands of the CIA, and Trump was nearly just shot by a ‘lone gunman.’ It’s time to join the houses.
“One of the interesting experiments that came out of MK Ultra is called the Milgram experiment. He recruited about seventy people from every walk of life. He would bring them in to take part in this experiment, and he would put them at a table like this. And on the table there was a dial, and they were told that the dial was connected to a man who was sitting in the next room who was tied to a chair, and that when they twisted that dial he would it would administer an electric shock.
They were told that they would do an experiment on him by a guy who was a doctor. He was in a white lab suit and he had badges on him that made him look like an authority figure. And he would tell them okay turn it up. Turn it down. Turn it up. Turn it down.
When they turned it up, they could hear the guys struggling and screaming and sometimes pleading and crying. And a lot of the subjects were saying, I don’t wanna do this anymore. You know, can I stop?
And the doctor would say no you can’t. And he’d say turn it up. Sixty-seven percent turned it up to where it said ‘potentially lethal,’ which is like two hundred and fifty volts or something. What Milgram said is that the voice of an authority figure has the capacity to overwhelm all of your most deeply held beliefs and ethical precepts for the normal person.
That if somebody who they believe is an authority tells them to do something that they know is wrong, they’re gonna do it, anyway. But the good news is that thirty-three percent of them got up and walked out. And that is roughly what we saw during COVID, because COVID seemed to me from the beginning to be a giant Milgram experiment.
All these doctors who were assembled at the top of the society were telling people to do things. So we all knew we were wrong to censor the press. To do what we’re told. Trust the experts. Okay? That was never a thing. Trusting the experts is not a feature of democracy. It’s not a feature of science. It’s a feature of totalitarianism. It’s a feature of religion. But it’s not science to trust secularism.”
Robert Kennedy Junior dropping the truth:
“The Democrat party has become the party of war censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money. It abandoned democracy by canceling the primary in order to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.”