This video, RFK Jr talking about his transformation, how he went from addiction to service, was recorded for the World Cultural Festival 2023:
“When I was a teenager, I was addicted to heroin for over 14 years . . . ”
Breaking time into manageable units, moral dimensions
Making the bed, hanging up the towels, putting water in the ice tray or putting the ice tray back empty, putting the shopping cart where it should go
Choices in alignment help us stay in a posture of surrender
Cash and prizes start flowing when we are in posture of surrender
Addiction is abuse of power
Turning our power over to our higher power (Universal Self)
Surrender is learning to be quiet with self, hope, peace, calm – creates a much more effective human
Everything that is enduring comes from a spiritual place
Humility, our service, extending compassion and kindness to everyone around us
Everyone is a messenger . . .
Divisions that are polarizing are a product of self-will
Turning our lives over to that higher power
Love is effort . . . to Love everyone takes effort . . . bridging the divide . . .
Abraham Lincoln, cutting down a very big tree . . .
Doing something everyday for someone you don’t like and then not telling anyone about it.