This news popped up over the last day or so, and depending on the source, masterful hackers may have breached the systems of three entire countries, potentially compromising the social security numbers of every citizen of the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
Oh my word. That’s big. It’s so big, in fact, that I believe it is the pebble that tips this show into the next dimension. Think about it…we have to have a social security number to get pretty much anything you can think of in terms of living your life any more. What do we do, wait until the hackers have started working to take everyone’s identities over to use for nefarious purposes?
It’s not like only a small section of the population is affected and we just say, “Oh sorry, you guys, best of luck with that.” Nope…this is every freaking body. Literally, the only way to keep this from becoming the biggest mess ever, the whole system has to shut down! Our SSNs are used for everything. Try to do a thing now without using your social.
This is actually brilliant. There’s literally no other way to resolve this than to disintegrate the ownership of the citizenry, and shut all the systems connected to our socials down. It would be truly nifty if what follows is a return of our strawman accounts to us.
Make it so.
What if this is the shutdown spoken of and prophesied? Ten days of darkness (no internet or banking at least) may be what this hack will bring, during which the new QFS is brought online.
Kinda feels like a White Hat move to me.
- ~
Data Breach Exposes 3 Billion Personal Information Records
- USA Today ~
2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers, stolen in data hack: What to know
- LA Times ~
Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. Here’s how to protect yourself
- News Nation Now ~
Hackers may have stolen every American’s Social Security number: Report