Mary Magdalene: When you look at the deepest wounds in a person, you will see that they are the same in virtually everyone, man or woman, and come from their need to be known and loved, or come from a feeling of being deprived of love and understanding. (1)
To borrow from the Divine Mother: Is there any further conversation to be had? (2)
Does not what Mary Magdalene said through Pamela Kribbe about sum things up?
It does for me.
If I look inside, I find that my deepest wounds lie around my Dad never expressing genuine love to me or for me. What she says fits for me.
It follows that the greatest gift, besides listening, would be loving. Loving, loving, loving.
Keep in mind that I’m pointing to a non-ordinary form of love, which is like the air that residents of higher dimensions breathe but remains almost unknown in this conflict-ridden dimension.
Our portal to it is the spiritual heart – not the heart chakra and not the physical heart. Well, that’s not quite so because the heart chakra turns out to be the light switch that opens the heart.
When the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra, in either an explosion or an implosion, the heart bursts open. We find ourselves suddenly hit by a wave of love. Though it washes through us, it has no perceivable mass. Therefore it doesn’t ruffle a hair.
But it takes with it all our cares, all concerns, all fears, all resentments. It’s this river of love that I know we’ll find ourselves in either in the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love (3) or else in Ascension itself.
If I designed the Divine plan, I’d have the Ring of Fire come right after the ten days of broadcasts. Just as I needed a spiritual experience to jackhammer me out of my dismay after viewing parts of Frazzeldrip, so the world could need a similar experience to extricate it from a mass depression.
The experience of that love leads me to accept without a ripple of concern Buckminister Fuller and Werner Erhard’s notion of a world that works for everyone.
Of course the world would work for everyone. Everyone there has all they want of what we all want in endless amounts: the most wonderful love, to quote Mike Quinsey, that you can never imagine.
Immersed in that love, what else can come near it to distract us from it? OK, bliss. Ecstasy. Joy. But these are just variations of love….
And once we all experience that love, you can throw all the books of spiritual advice – mine first – in the Ganges. The only secret then will be how to have more. And more. And more.
(1) Pamela Kribbe, “Mary Magdelene: The Case for being Human,” at
(2) Divine Mother: You have begun by saying that I am not simply a god among gods. I am the Mother. And I am asking and inviting you to join with me. Is there really any further conversation to be had?
Steve: No, Mother. There is not. That is the aim of all our lives. (“The Divine Mother on 12/12/12 and 21/12/12,” Dec. 11, 2012, at
(3) See The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at