The Masters are very specific about wording as these messages are encoded with energies that the reader receives. The specific words used, the punctuation, and even the spaces between the words all carry encoding and energies…. what Archangel Michael called “the space between the spaces.” (1)
8/1/24 Information received from Beloved Quan Yin
Greetings Beloved Ones
Fill each day with the love of your highest Light
Your higher Light is the power and love of the Creator
Never doubt this truth for a moment
Be the love be the kindness be the smile be the strength be the compassion in all your endeavors
This is assisting the human collective consciousness to move into the higher dimensions
The vibration of planet earth is rising
Be in the joy of this great accomplishment
The Unseen Forces of Light never leave your side
8/2/24 Information received from Beloved Melchizedek
Greetings Beloved Ones
Create each day as a new beginning
The old energies of the matrix are crumbling
The dark is in fear
They know the Light has won
Their stay on planet earth is to be short lived
Be ever cognizant of thought word and desire
Concentrate on bringing your highest Light and anchoring it into your magnificent body and planet earth
This will facilitate raising the collective unity consciousness of mankind
We never leave your side
8/4/24 Information received from Beloved Sananda
Greetings Beloved ones
Allow the totality of the love of who you are to come forth into your magnificent bodies
In the days ahead much is to come forth
Your highest light in all its radiance is needed at this time
The unawakened are the most vulnerable at this time
Allow then their choices
Offer your wisdom your love your compassion if asked
Stand tall in your Light
Send this great Light to Gaia and all who dwell upon her
We walk beside you
(1) Archangel Michael: We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. … Yes, it is bigger than you think. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at