The very first hypothetical statement I ever arrived at seems so applicable at this time.
That statement was that, when tension goes up, awareness goes down. In other words, awareness varies inversely proportional to muscular tension in the body.
Moreover, decreasing awareness in the face of tension is not easily seen because, when awareness goes down, awareness that awareness went down also goes down.
Right when we need our awareness, we close down many channels through the blocking effect of our muscular tension. And no one teaches us this in school.
We look out on the chaos of the world scene, two opposite sides battling for the soul of the world, and the tension we feel out of fear, worry, anxiety, etc., by causing our muscle tissue to firm up, dampens our awareness. Again, right when we need it.
There’s a second aspect to this as well. We can only react to what we know. We can only imagine, as well, what we already know.
I assure you that what occurs in Frazzledrip is beyond anything you’ve ever imagined or want to imagine. It’s not in your knowledge bank so how can you imagine it? And, once having seen it, I can doubly assure you that you’ll wish you hadn’t.
And that’s the quandary we face now. We don’t know and can’t imagine what it is we face and yet it threatens the lives of all of us (toxic vaccines, DEW weapons, WW3, etc.)
So if we cannot bank on our awareness at this time, what can we rely on?
The short answer to what we can rely on is the Divine Mother. But I’d like to look at some actions we can take ourselves, along with our faith in the Mother’s protection.
[What I’m saying here does not apply to military personnel, whose discernment needs to be sharp and quick, unclouded by doubt and confusion. In my scheme of things, it applies to the civilian population only and, even there, not to those working for or with the military. Our thanks go to the military who are risking their lives to win our release from the grip of the deep state.]
In my view, we have two reliable sources to turn to in this connection. The first is our values. Our values give rise to our agreements. We wrote them down on tablets of stone, remember? So that we can all have a record of them? (1)
Some are sacred; some patriotic; some nefarious. (2) But all, taken together, define the basic logic and parameters of our communal life, the boundaries, the expectations.
For an example of a modern document that sets out recommended human values and the agreements that arise from them, see the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (3)
The second reliable source is … well, you can call it your heart if you want, but, under certain circumstances, it’s better known as our conscience.
The heart is our channel to the higher realms and to Mother/Father God. I have no idea of the many ways the heart works. I’ve experienced it as a gateway to higher-dimensional consciousness states, following my heart opening of March 13, 2015. (4)
That our guides (guides proper, archangel, Oversoul, the Mother) should use it to express the “voice of conscience” would not surprise me.
When we let the heart/conscience decide what value we’ll follow and then put that into action, I think we’ve done as much as we can – and can be expected to – do.
With this level of consciousness, I believe, we’re taking action that contributes to the eventual re-establishment of Earth as a Planet of Love and Light.
I’d go further and say I think we’d be actualizing some of the potential inherent in who we really are. And who this generation really is, apparently, is angelic. The Divine Mother tells us:
Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. (5)
Mother/Father One sent only angels at this time because of the challenge and the importance of this Ascension for the multiverse.
But not so fast, Sammy Starseed. That’s grist for another story. (6)
(1) Not just Moses, but also the Pharaohs and Hammurabi.
(2) Like the Georgia Guidestones, which mandated a target Earth populaton of 500 million. Depending on whom you believe, the galactics or the white hats destroyed them.
(3) UDHR at
(4) See:
- “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, in An Ascension Ethnography at, and after.
- “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at
(5) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 20, 2020, at
(6) On that story, see:
- An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a Brand New Space at