To the lightworker citizen journalists and blog owners among us:
With all respect for your independence of voice, may I make a request?
My request is: Could we stop blaming whole peoples for the actions of a few? (1)
Could we stop blaming them for the actions of the puppetmasters behind the few?
The ones who want to divide and conquer us and succeed time after time? The ones who are calling the shots – we now see – globally?
Looking at one side of that: Can we either be more specific in our estimations of causation or not go to that level at all. The latter would probably be better.
I know of no one alive who has a developed and cosmically-accurate understanding of the causation of the social events of our time. (2) I would never make a claim to it myself.
We’re simply being inaccurate when we try to assign causation, but it can have terrible consequences.
Examples are blaming Jews, leading to the Holocaust and blaming Muslims unjustly for 9/11, which our own governments engineered, leading to their discrimination and persecution. (3)
Specifically, my request is that we return to:
- Impartial recounting of the facts: Just the facts, ma’am.
- Specificity, as much as possible: Who, what, where, when….
- Statement of the status of our knowledge: Do we think, believe, or know it to be true?
- Observing innocence until proven guilty.
- Giving the benefit of the doubt to the defendent.
- Not tolerating trial by press.
We can make the transition back to a peaceful and truthful, discerning but compassionate press.
Given that the EBS (emergency broadcasts) will see the mainstream media utterly taken offline and not reappearing after the ten days, we’ll also have the opportunity to create a new journalistic model.
I invite us to be thinking, as I am here, of what will make that new journalism work.
(1) See “An Inadequate View of Reality (Repost),”
(2) I know of many who do who are higher dimensional and thus don’t occupy a human physical body.
(3) See Muslims Did Not Cause 9/11. We Did at