Kathleen: What Archangel Michael is talking about here is easier said than done.
To remember, in the moment, to send pink and/or blue, to gently remind ourselves not to cast judgement, is our ongoing mastery in health and well-being within, therefore without for our planet.
It’s taken me years to understand this simple concept, that judgement is what makes us sick, within and without.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen through Linda Dillon, Dec 11, 2012.
Kathleen: When humans complain about their situation or complain about another human, what is the best way to reply to their pain, their suffering, their unconsciousness?
For instance if you are sitting in a car and someone starts complaining and you can’t get away, is there a way to help them?
Archangel Michael: Tell them to SHUT UP ! (huge laugh)
But truly in a very polite and loving way, that is exactly what you are saying to them.
First send them, as if you were blasting them, send them pink.
Now, as you know, I am very preferential and partial to blue but when you send them pink, it is like the gentlest caress of the sunrise and of their pink diamond flame.
So send them first the caress of pink.
Then say, I understand, not I know, but I understand that what you are talking about, and what you are saying may, not does, but may have some foundation or legitimacy, but it hurts me.
It hurts me when I hear this kind of talk because I understand that what you are doing, when we talk about this, is simply building the energy of this disharmony, of this pain, of this hurt.
So can we both together send some healing and change the subject?