by Judith Kusel
We are in a state of morphing from a very dense, slow, low existence into a much lighter and higher dimensional existence, and this includes everything.
Lord Melchizedek came through very powerfully to me in early morning meditation with the White Flame with regards to what is happening with intense floods and snow, etc. and on all other levels too.
I was given the cosmic divine view, and suddenly all started to not only fall in place, but made me realize the profundity of it all.
What I was shown, went deeply into cleansing and clearing, release of the old, and includes all structures, forms, patterns, programming, visible, invisible, deeply underground, etc.
Not only for our country, but the rest of the world.
I was reminded of how, the caterpillar had to get rid of its head, before it could create a cocoon in which to liquidize, and in losing its head and old dense form, the beautiful butterfly emerges, and has wings!
The caterpillar was earthly bound and limited in the confines of a very dense world, while the butterfly can soar and fly and roam free.
We are literally losing our head (mind and mind control) in order to connect deeply with our heart, the infinite power of love, and the deep knowing inside, so that our consciousness can rise, and access the higher dimensional state, even as our physical bodies are morphing into the New Lightbody form in which we can live fully, lovingly, in unity in the New Golden Age.