Click the image above for the post and to watch Videos by: @Am3ricanProphet @CainLightworker…
The real Julian Assange, rumoured to be safely tucked away for some time, will finally be seen for who he truly is and what he truly stands for. Not a criminal held by the British so called justice system…
His release marks a crucial juncture in an unfolding military operation, a phenomenal effort with the intricate details known only by a select few…
Those in the know understand that Assange’s freedom brings us closer to the unveiling of the intricate details of this master plan, a plan that has been meticulously orchestrated for decades…
Some of the individuals involved are bound by blood, their lineage stretching across generations, united by a common purpose…
As we witness the conclusion of this fascinating operation, history books will be filled with the stories of Julian Assange’s role in it, the impact his actions had on the awakening of the people…
We are on the cusp of a new era, one where the truth, long suppressed, will finally be revealed, thanks in no small part to the courageous actions of a man named Julian Assange…
God Bless you #JulianAssange