by Celia Fenn, June 16th
June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn
We are coming up to another vortex of energies this week.
The most powerful is the Solstice portal on the 20th June. This is the summer solstice in the North and the Winter Solstice in the South. This is the moment when earth changes course in its elliptical journey around the sun, and it also marks the change of seasons.
It is above all, a powerful moment when Light Codes from the Sun and beyond pour down onto the Earth to allow for the evolution of consciousness to higher levels. We can expect Solar Radiance to be high and there is the possibility of an X Class Solar Flare in the days before the Solstice.
The next day, the 21st June, the Sun moves into Cancer, a water sign and the energy of the Divine Feminine as Leader/Priestess. This is quite a shift in Solar energy and we need to shift into a softer and more flowing mode of being. Acceptance and Flow are key aspects on the Cancer energy, as is nurturing and self care.
Then on the 22nd of June the Full Moon falls in Capricorn. Although an Earth Moon, this is a powerful placement.
Pluto has been in Capricorn for many years doing its work of dissolving old structures, and now it is in Aquarius. But, it is retrograding towards Capricorn for a final go around from September to November.
We are not quite finished with the Capricorn/Pluto synergy and we may find the Full Moon brings up emotional issues around home and family that still need some adjusting or letting go.
So expect a powerful and intense week, and take measures to care for yourself.
We are also in the run up to the Lions Gate which will be powerful this year.
We are taking a giant quantum leap of consciousness and as Archangel Michael teaches, we need to access the Joy Principle to carry us through the challenges of the days ahead.
Focus on what gives joy and brings joy and let your life be an expression of quiet joy from deep within your soul!
Have a wonderful Solstice week everyone!