by Nicky Hamid
The Power of One
Everything you do counts. It adds to us all through the Quantum Field.
It is time to step up, step forward, step out and really enter Soul Being/doing.
And WE are not just speaking of physically.
A stepping consciously forward as a Lighted Being in the quantum field, a multidimensional energetic Stream of Soul Being and HUman Consciousness. You are either becoming fully conscious and putting yourself forward in Life or you are not.
The Shift, ascension is happening as a natural unfolding of the Law of YOU. It cannot happen for you, with ease and in grace if you are just waiting. Watching and Being is fine, but as HUman Being we breathe in and we breathe out.
Your unfoldment requires your full participation. Your willingness to follow that stream of the energy of this breath of you all the way in and up, out and down. A column of Brilliant LIGHT forever flowing in both directions
To ‘try …or have tried’ is not an option. You either do, with consciousness, or you don’t do. You are either ‘on’ or you are ‘off”. Giving a half measure or being half hearted is self-deception. No more ‘spiritual’ and mind game ‘BS’. You either do or you are switched ‘off’.
You are not a victim of “ascension” symptoms”. You are a conscious participant in your own expansion and in the evolution of us all. It is your choice, but be honest with yourself and if you choose “to wait and see” then recognise your freewill choice.
This is what taking responsibility is all about. A choice to remain voluntarily in your own illusionary game or choose consciously to be open to constant change, evolution, expansion of the Light/Love that is who and what you are.
To bemoan your choice is to engage in BS, it is so obvious.
You cannot fool yourself any longer. You asked for your highest good and now it is time to take it, own it and live it 24/7.
You either do or you don’t do. You either are ‘switched on’ and ‘tuning in’ enthusiastically, or you are ‘switched off” idling in your precious Now.
And it is all OK but be honest with yourself.
To Shine you now have to call forth your own Shining. To sing your own Soul Song first to yourself and then, it will be naturally broadcast out loud to become a harmony with a Collective Soul Song.
Ah, that feels better.
Shine On.
I So Love You