“We’ve just undergone a massive DNA upgrade. It was so big that it resulted in us not being able to maintain our residency in the false matrix on a permanent basis, and it allowed us entry into a new realm.”
00:00 ~ DNA upgrade
01:11 ~ What the DNA upgrade felt like
02:11 ~ As your frequency rises
02:41 ~ Something big has shifted
03:11 ~ Many DNA upgrades
04:20 ~ The false matrix was bound to the past
05:09 ~ Collapsing the false matrix from within (starseed mission)
06:04 ~ First visual to illustrate the collapsing reality / the mental realm
07:05 ~ This is a new realm
09:09 ~ The old coping mechanisms won’t work
09:25 ~ The new realm is more integrated
10:03 ~ Suppressed fear
10:20 ~ Summary of the first visual
10:45 ~ Feeling tender
11:07 ~ Your gifts
11:15 ~ This is preparation
11:26 ~ The black blanket visual
13:50 ~ The old world still exists
14:06 ~ People will fight to keep it
15:30 ~ The ripple will continue
Kerry’s website ~ https://kerryk.com