Judith Kusel
Such Joy as powerful energy shifts are happening!
Beautiful White-Golden Energy pouring in and with it the full return on the Sun Discs now being released from the Great Central Suns and these will illumined our hearts and minds in powerful, expansive ways.
These Sun Discs are linking up with those which were held in custody for exactly this time when the New Earth rises and with it the 5th to 7th dimensional state, as the higher technological re-mem-be-ring starts, which once was applied to the building of the massive megalithic sites and the pyramids, and more than this full uses of sound technology combined with that of the power of water.
More than this, the higher Christ Consciousness is being activated, the Divine Feminine Christ with the Divine Masculine Christ, returning balance and harmony in the next years, until we fully are lifted into the New Golden Age.
I just love it: for it means that we are being reborn in so many forms and ways, and note that this year is a catalyst year in so many ways, breaking up the old so powerfully, yet at the very same time, rebirthing in the highest degrees!