Distraction is a weapon used to control humanity.
And it is OUT OF CONTROL right now.
I am blown away by how distracted we are allowing ourselves to get.
Distractions, especially sensationalized, fear based stories are DISMEMPOWERING and create UNCONSCIOUSNESS.
Think of all the information you consume in a day. So much distraction we don’t even realize it. We don’t even see it. We think its normal.
And distraction leads to confusion, numbness, divide, unconsciousness and eventually dismepowerment.
You may not even realize ALL you are consuming because we have been programed to not see it. We have a 3 second attention span now. We are unconsciously searching for dopamine hits and “loud” entertaining topics that ABSOLUTELY pull us out of our most empowered place, the right here right now.
The most powerful and empowered place you can be is in your now. Which doesn’t mean you aren’t consuming information or entertainment. It means you are present while you do!
HUGE difference.
When you are present you are aware of how distracted you may be. You are aware of how fast you scroll. You are aware of how numb you may have just become watching something. You are aware of how a topic or a video or a talk creates anger inside of you or creates a feeling of divide (fighting for your side). You become aware of how what you are watching creates anxiety or fear. YOU BECOME
AWARE and awareness is empowerment!
The more you see the distractions the more free you become.
Any distraction that creates confusion, divide, fear, or anxiety creates dismpowerment. And dismempowerment is how the world continues to control you.
Therefore, distraction is how the world is controlling us right now.
Stay aware. Pay attention to everything you are consuming all day long. Become hyper sensitive to it.
Keep your head down and in your own lane.
Trust your intuition over anyone else’s ideas, beliefs, truths or ways of being.
This is a war of our minds. KEEP YOURS CLEAN AND CLEAR by staying aware of distractions.
Let’s Go!