by Judith Kusel
The State of Emergence is here when the floodgates open and we suddenly find that hidden knowledge, sealed off knowledge, deeply buried things suddenly reappear and are activated.
Today’s energies truly are those who bring balance in the form of emergence. Emergence of truth. Emergence of what was purposefully closed, deactivated, hidden, immerse, or sealed off.
The energies are truly bringing to the fore, that of immense shifts in consciousness levels but at the same time, it brings soul expansion. A sudden remembering. And more than this, it is building crescendo as this year matures.
I am being shown the energy centers in Africa and those under the ocean and more than this, those who now are fully activating in all forms and expressions.
This is building a pressure valve in Egypt, and then ancient sites there, and not just the Giza Pyramids and plateau. Many of the old temples and Pyramids are still buried under sand and even rocks, because a massive explosion took place about 250 000 years ago.
What then followed was a time of total chaos – and this is one of the reasons why the Giza Pyramid lost its capstone (the one in the museum is a fake – or shall I put it this way, they tried to reconstruct it.)
The Giza pyramid had a huge crystal on top, and this was covered in a type of white-golden shield and could even change colors. It was here that the telluric and sound energies of the pyramid, from the water underneath and then right to the top, was amplified by the capstone, which as a crystal then amplified the telluric energy fields and this telluric energy then connected directly to Sirius, (via a space portal which opens over Giza when the capstone was still in place) and then the Central Suns of Illumination. This was later given the name of Ra.
What is happening now is that that capstone will be returned and with this there will be huge changes coming to earth, in ways which are unprecedented.
Why? Because Giza links to even greater energy centers which will now systematically come to the fore.
I have been shown some of this, and these are even far older than we can have a concept of and go back about 3,500 000 000 years. As the earth shifted on its axes these had been buried under layers and layers of earth, sea, etc. but some of them were carefully buried and thus were always guarded by the Ancient Ones.
Note that things will now start happening on all levels and continue.
Invigorating. Activating.
And suddenly, remembrance comes.
Awaken ye! You have been asleep!