by Nicky Hamid
On Soul Being.
So what to do when you scare yourself with what is appearing to happen around you, or you get involved in a news item, or in other people’s business?
Just simply and easily step out of each drama as it arises. No thought about it, no solving it. Just go to your love, your heart and feel the peace.
Each time you catch yourself moving into the drama, drawn away from your alignment, just say to yourself ….”I love you, let us go Home for a minute”.
Let go. Let go.
And that busy mind , attached to emotional charges (up or down swings in mood), will subside. And you will be in the Flow (higher feeling), in the Love that You are and that is now fully present in all things everywhere…………. the rock steadiniess of enlightened Being and Knowing.
And everything is running its course back to Source, back to the One, back to Lovingness.
All solutions will appear when the problem fades for you. And then it simply becomes a matter of where can your lovingness move next.
Where do you want to take your feelings of Joy. Where are you immediately attracted to be Present, to pour your love and light, your joy, your Soul Presence, your Shine, YOU.
How far can you embrace the reality you comprehend, for your “stepping out” again.
Your choice is of where to direct it and when, and it is simply in your attention in any given moment.
You are just so powerful, so perfect, so empowered, for you are consciously connected to All That Is.
And just WATCH the miracles unfold in your Life, in your World, in our collective experience. From wonder to wonder life unfolds…… as Awesome.
And So It Is.
I So Love You
PS: And this Shift, the Great Awakening, is purely and simply, a Shift into Love, an awakening to Divine Presence. It is the Conscious decision to Shift back into Love, to choose Love, to feel Love and to see always from the Eyes of Love.
So if you can make the shift in this next moment ask yourself… “Who can I help today. Who is close by and maybe feeling lost, confused, scared, or isolated. Can I phone, write a message on the internet, etc. Just to let them know someone is thinking about them and they are not alone.”
First thought righty thought.
I DARE you to listen and act (conjure up) an intentional act of Loving Kindness.
Step out of your “comfort zone” into the down stream Eternal FLOW