by Judith Kusel
Staff note: we’re not necessarily agreeing with Judith and we don’t know ourselves what the truth may be. Please use your discernment.
Phew huge things are happening in the Pacific ocean!
This morning when I woke up I was connected to all the crystal pyramids and the crystalline energy grids, and they were pulsating with telluric golden energy, like I have never seen before.
I needed to go to town and had lunch and just wanted to have a nap, when I was pulled into doing immense work with the crystalline energy grids.
Then I was shown the middle of the Pacific ocean, which was literally bulging. I was made aware of huge seismic activity bottling up, like when a pipe is clogged and ready to burst.
I was told that Lemuria was rising!
Then I was shown huge energy building as the clogging had ripple effects, as all earth’s energy centers and energy lines, like arteries connect and the Pacific underground connects not only to America, but also Europe, and interesting Turkey, Gopeki Tepe area and Middle East and these arteries were ones most blocked!
This is giving a pressure cooker effect and is building up!
I was told, its the beginning and I saw the golden energy in the arteries in the north turning redgold….
Ready to burst forth.
I do not know the meaning of this but somehow prompted to share.
When that pressure cooker bursts it is like Mother Earth is birthing a new landmass…
I never share such as shown to me, but this came through so immensely powerfully, that I was shaking from head to toe and was asked to do so now.
To me this is something that is lifting us into the new life and new beginnings.