by Nicky Hamid
There will be a point in your awakening when “the LIGHT goes on”…….never to be switched off again for more than a moment. When there is no more doubt and no fear of ever forgetting again, that lingers for very long.
It has already happened to some of you.
We are all already in the 5th dimension but commonly are still seeing and reacting with the old habits of the 3rd dimension that we feel clearly as denser energies.
However, as the collective becomes firmly anchored in experiencing the 5th, the gifts, the Knowing, the euphoria of Love and the underlying Presence of Eternal Peace, the Shift in paradigms, in institutions, beliefs, how we treat one another, is happening step by step.
This is the promise of the unfoldment of the Divine Plan that we came here to co-create. It is what we have all been working for. Not that we have been “waiting” because, it is a conscious decision for each of us to be Love NOW.
The more you make conscious choices for your alignment and are behaving in accordance with your inner nature, and constantly remind yourselves of that decision, the easier and the faster your Shift in the reality you are seeing will take place.
Never forget that you are Divine Consciousness Soul Being.
You are Love and it is your conscious Lovingness and your willingness to draw in more LIGHT and simultaneously activate it from within the Essence of You, that is changing EVERYTHING.
Shine On.
I So Love You.
PS And now the apparent “battle” between light and dark within you is coming to an end, it is mop up time.
The time to clear every remnant of fear and doubt you have had living in your own unique version of the “world movie”.
The “Event” has simultaneously arrived within you, from the Great Central Sun (“without”), and Your Soul Being (“within”) and will continue to accelerate until no one who will remain on Nova Gaia will be able to say “I didn’t know”.