by Nicky Hamid
How do we know where we are in this process of ascension? Is there a way of knowing?
Little mind is so used to having the illusion of control. 5D is about allowing each step to unfold and Trusting yourself and your Higher Purpose. Not having to know.
It is like asking, “Tell me what I am going to experience and then I can decide if I want to have it or not, or at least prepare myself.
You have to have an experience before you can know it.
Oh how we love to get in our own way.
Not even the Masters or angels know how things are going to exactly turn out for Humanity. Yet they know the Truth of the Beauty of our Nature and Destiny. It is up to each one of us.
As HUman your free will choice is sacrosanct.
You are moving, expanding, shifting in consciousness under the Law of your Own Unfolding, the Law of your own opening out of the darkness into LIGHT.
Yes there are growing pains and uncomfortable moments when the “old clothes” (identity) do not fit and you have to discard them.
You can do this lovingly or you can struggle and resist. It is entirely up to you. You asked for it.
So Precious Souls trust, allow, play, and enjoy the unfolding of the beauty of you being HUman.
Just like a flower, allow yourself the time to unfurl petal by petal.
Simply breathe dear ones and do it consciously and in peace.
I So Love You
PS. You cannot do it “wrong” and you cannot miss out. it just is so much more fun and less painful that WE do it, each in our own unique way, following the “golden nuggets” of Truth laid before us in our shared journey.