by Nicky Hamid
I use the word “God” freely.
I have never from the beginning of my journey had a problem with it for it stands for what I know in the core of how I experience the world and my connection to the Unity of All That Is and it gets richer, deeper, more expansive, more embracing, more all pervading.
However, I understand the mind sets that do have a problem with it and have had an internal struggle with organized religion.
We are coming through a time when science, and philosophy, had used a lens of logical positivism to such a degree that they declared “God is dead”. And in doing so a huge part of “influential” humanity appeared to cut themselves off from Source totally in their own minds.
Mental mind and intellect became the “God” and simplicity of being got buried deep inside. And the so called “New world order” intends to expunge the Word and the thought entirely for the minds and hearts of Humanity.
For my part I stopped speaking of “God” for a time and used words like “Creator” and “Source”, when speaking to my atheist and agnostic students.
Even the power and truth filled phrases of “I AM THAT I AM” and “THOU ART THAT’ are often used with minds for whom God is still “dead”.
And there is fear held that to use the word is to personify that which is Infinite.
What I see is that often this ‘cutting off” has severed the Devotional feelings of making ones connection to All That Is.The reverence, the beautiful humility, the expansiveness of love.
Even in something like Yoga (which means Union), Hatha yoga (posture). and Prana yoga (breath) are easily embraced but what has happen to the pillars of yoga Bhakti yoga (Love and Devotion ) and Karma yoga (serving the world through compassionate action).
So if all this makes sense to you I ask you.
What word for you stands for your knowing and Feeling of connection of expansion of the origin and direction of your Lovingness?
Can you speak it without apology? And can you speak it with all your knowing clearly behind it?
And if you can’t, would it do better for you to not say anything at all?
I So Love You
PS And in speaking your word maybe it will raise a question in another that they will pose to you and you will have created an opportunity to lovingly, gently and with all simplicity, point them in a direction of their own Holy Presence. Or an opportunity to honor them by raising up their vision of what they are doing in their life.
PPS Try using “The LORD GOD OF MY BEING” sometimes and see how it feels.
We are so much more Power Filled than we have been led to believe.
You are a “point of Light in the Mind of God, created IN THAT “LIKENESS”.