by Nicky Hamid
Joyous News
Now, in 2024 the “out there” is in total flux and change. And no matter how dark and hopeless the appearances are, an underlying and inevitable Benevolence is here working through all things, and arising.
The preparation, stargate openings, gridwork and timelines have all been embedded and aligned since Earth moved through the Great Portal of December 2012.
Energy and changes you want to make are going to have immediate impact now in 2024. The Universe is going to appear to cooperate with your intentional thought, words and action, like never before.
Slowly and steadily as your body is transformed and the cells respond to the new light streams through the very atoms of your cells sparked from the new blueprint programme release of your multidimensional DNA coming on line.
It starts to move into you gently.
The Earth is receiving it and brings to your cells as you ground and intentionally see Her New unfolding beauty and make it core to your being Present here and now.
A symbiotic relationship of Pure Genius and Miraculous Manifestation. You start to become “softer” and stronger within yourself. Knowing and sensing it is here and accelerating. An energy that is unspeakably soft and gentle, strong and brave, and above all most benevolent, is seeping from the Heart of Gaia into every cell of our body, Precious Ones.
Now if you have a habit you would like to break your effort will bear fruit like never before. It may be the way you think, the way you speak, the food you put into your body.
Is what you are ingesting killing you, and you know it. Would you like to change it?
What you do in this 2024 energy is going to respond so differently even if you tried to do it a certain way before, that same method will begin to work. You won’t be able to say anymore that “I tried this and it did not work”.
This time you know better because the body, your body, is listening. Its intelligence is coming on line as you, Precious Soul, are finding it easier to align the “More” of you as being Present. You will begin to evidence the fruits of your actions and thoughts more and more.
To be Courageous and Love Fearlessly.
Shine on.
I So Love You
PS: And I am receiving this so strongly in the depth of my Knowing from every quarter, even when things appear to the contrary.
It is in action now, in the Joy of doing without thought of reward or outcome.
Let the doing be the reward in itself and the outcomes can be nothing else but Miraculous.