Judith Kusel
“Before you incarnate on planet earth, your soul is prepared for incarnation, for at some level your soul chose to be here.
You will first indeed gather around you, your Guardian Angel, and the Ascended Masters of your own Soul Group, and thus you will discuss why you choose to incarnate here, and indeed whatever you need to bring to humanity and planet earth, as well as the soul lessons in highest mastery you wish to gain.
At this momentous time, when your soul indeed knew that the New Earth would be born and the New Golden Age, and the Old Earth would cease to exist, many of your own soul group, decided to incarnate with you. This is especially true of the Soul Groups: The Illumined Ones, the Shining Ones, the Loving Ones, the Graces, the Creative Ones, the Beautiful Ones, etc. These are your true soul brother and sister, and indeed they often incarnated with you to fulfill a specific calling, and thus indeed often were part of the Group Soul incarnation.
You will often find such group incarnations, in those who formed the Base of the Mystery Schools, as well as certain groupings of Esoteric Knowledge.
When Atlantis fell and many of these souls being persecuted in other lifetimes, it was agreed that the knowledge would henceforth be stored fully in the soul itself, and not written down in books, etc. Thus, the soul would access its own soul memory bank and that of the Monad and the Divine Source, and thus bring this information, knowledge and wisdom to the planet earth, at this time in its purest and uncontaminated forms.
Thus a mass awakening of souls is occurring, who now remember the truth of who and what they in truth are, and bringing this back to humanity.
If you belonged to any of these groupings, then you will find that certain names, certain places, certain sacred sites, certain books or teachings will trigger your soul memory banks.
For me this has always been, when I asked questions, and books would literally fall off the library shelves and open by itself and the answers would just jump out at me. Thus I have learned, to always ask the Divine and my Higher Guides and the answers would come when I was ready to receive such. Now, I simply ask, and the answers will just be transmitted through me, and my soul, or I will be led to the answers, and my soul will resonate at the deepest levels with the information given, or my Lord Melchizedek or the Divine Mother will provide me directly with answers.
Sometimes I just know.
The Whole of Creation, and your soul is indeed like a cosmic resonance detector. The highest truth for your soul will always resonate deeply within you. You will recognize the truth and you will resonate with the truth – as your soul will remember.
I have always known that I have a deep connection with the Mystery Schools, and thus throughout my life, apart from what has been directly given to me, I have found comes to me, in deep resonance.
Thus the Cathar teachings, the Essences teachings, and indeed others, have triggered my soul memory banks, and even what was before they were on earth. For Divine Truth, has always been held in tiny pockets of Lightworkers on earth, since its fall.
Because of severe persecutions, so much has been lost, but indeed has never been lost, but is held within my soul, yours and others who have held such.
This why the inner teachings were always held within the inner groupings, and thus held to be so sacred, that one first had to go through initiations, and purifications, before once was allowed to access such teachings.
It was not to withhold, but indeed, it has to do with the soul’s readiness to receive such information, and indeed to BECOME it, from the depths of the heart and soul and all of one’s Being!”
Copyright Applies: excerpt from a lesson in my “The White Flame of Illumination” Course, Level II.