Well, I’m fresh from two days of incredible ups and downs and what I consider to be divine interventions. (1)
I think of these as after-effects of a download, but at the time I thought I was having a heart attack.
Alright. That was … fun! Definitely a learning experience. It shows that not all episodes in our emergence into our original divine splendor are necessarily comfortable.
I enjoy the ups and downs of experience and I enjoy writing them up for you.
But now I must appear before you, again, cap in hand and ask from you your kind financial support to get us through another month. We’re slightly over fifty percent home so at this moment we can pay the rent and not eat or eat and not pay the rent.
Please, folks, if you would, kindly click on the Hope Chest URL and help us with either a one-time or monthly donation. Assist us, please, to keep writing up this monumental journey to Ascension that all of us are on.
Here‘s how to donate:
Please use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/donate
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(1) “After the Download Comes the Ride,” F