by Nicky Hamid
When you connect to everything, everything becomes connected.
When you simply and completely let go of the chaos “out there” something miraculous occurs.
Into the melting pot it all goes, and then Life begins. Synchronicities emerge, new experiences happen, abundance happens, joy happens, beautiful meeting and sharings happen, new friends show up.
Everything is orchestrated and timed to perfection and your experiencing is decorated with surprises and delights.
And when you let go what do you do?
You remember how to love everything you see and know without exception. And is starts with everything about YOU. Everything you think you have been, and everything you are, day to day, moment to moment.
For Love, the Love that You ARE, is the glue that will bind the new. It is the bond that connects and makes anything possible.
And so there is no need to worry about others. You can see that in the “Trucker” movements, and in the revolutions around the world, and in the gatherings, sharings, listening and allowing, the heart of humanity is opening. Slowly, stealthily, step by step, from the inside out, beyond the “isms” to Love, Freedom and Unity.
The miracles of a total transformation will happen for the connectedness will ensure that, and the outcome will be spectacular. Are you not getting confirmations in your life?
If you believe in yourself then you must believe in me, and in all of our brothers and sisters.
We are One, And So It Is.
I So Love You
PS. And Let me tell you the REAL SECRET.
If you are choosing Love first, your living is including the 5th dimension (and above), where all the laws of the physics of materialisation are reversed, and everything that was 3D is turned upside down.
So abundance arises not through planning and contriving but in “imagining” and allowing.
It comes not from manifesting “out there” but through the nurturing of your Lovingness of Being. And the “in here”.
Materialisation comes from your state of Being that becomes your action of doing.