We’re going through this particular ascension with our physical vessels, and that’s what makes the process that we’re in unlike any other. Some may find what Kerry had to say on the subject 7 months ago comforting, in light of the current concerns about having to endure the 3D Earth experience for another few decades.
There’s a clear difference between collective and individual ascension, and honestly, that’s potentially the key to being at peace with any messages we may get about timing.
She speaks of the Solar Flash as well, and how personal frequency is the key to how we respond to that enthusiastically anticipated moment. Kerry goes over why she knows what she knows, and “we are absolutely not meant to know when” the flash is coming. Ismael has also mentioned, smiling, that we’re not supposed to know.
That’s fine. I can pray for that. Every day. Often.
Seriously, if the Solar Flash is the only thing that will eliminate the ancient, evil AI presence from our world once and for all, I have to assume that somebody very high up in the chain of Celestial Command must really see a benefit of holding off on that.
Maybe we’re seeing how awesome we can be, or how much pain and misery we can take…or how greatly we can expand our consciousness now during this final, practically unbelievable moment in time. I’ll take door number three, Bob. That’s where the new motorhome and very long vacation enter the stage.
Anyway, on to Kerry’s video…
“How does ascension happen, when does it happen and what happens to the body when it undergoes the process? What does it feel like and what takes place? This is what I’m sharing with you in today’s video.”
Kerry’s website ~ https://kerryk.com