by Sophia Love, January 3, 2023, via email
It is the One.
Thank you. There is a question from Kim. “Is the wave of seismic activity that was to go around the world still coming?”
Yes. It will be seen as a “cluster,” and be noticed that way afterwards. These earth changes are a physical reaction to the frequency shift; indeed, this is true. When the end comes, there will be a physical reaction. This is seen and will occur to whatever degree that it does. This end is as fluid as the shift itself, and so, precise predictions are a challenge if not an impossibility.
Thank you. As we are right now beginning 2024 on our calendar, will you say something about what is coming?
The coming time is a tumultuous time. Things hidden by agreement become exposed. There will be many acts of desperation and fear. These will take many forms.
Pay close attention to delays or hidden facts. There is no valid reason to withhold the Truth from participating adults. By this is meant ~ no reason that serves all of those participating.
2024 is the calendar year in which you begin, as a people, to discover the inner workings of a sovereign people.
This has been said before, in prior conversations.
I’m sorry, but I’ve lost you.
Yes Sophia, please center.
There is responsibility that accompanies sovereignty. It is responsibility for your own freedom, safety and well-being. It was meant [for you] to be governed by a social system that supports and buoys individual rights. Yours currently does not.
The order in which the shift will take place will resemble the following:
- Corrupted officials/individuals/organizations/methods/systems are removed and/or prevented from doing further damage.
- There is a period of what feels like chaos, in which the people will be asked to remain calm and to cooperate with new, and temporary methods of operation. These will touch all of society ~ commerce, government, transportation, education, health.
- People will be asked to help ~ help in places of leadership. These places include all areas of daily life. Things will be locally focused.
- New systems will be birthed in all areas of living. These will differ by region. These will be helped by non-earth-humans, who wait already for their signal to assist.
- Eventually, and here we are referring to months and years from now ~ there will be a global foundation of love that will actually “hum.” It is being facilitated already by the many Starseeds who offer assistance and light in their daily lives. Once the removal has taken place, the light will no longer be obscured. It will be all that you see.
- New Earth arises, and earth humans join other star races with open contact.
- The complete story of Earth’s shift is finished & told to future generations of her children.
Those of you reading or hearing this soon after it is written have chosen the path of the Builder.
It is neither a glamorous nor an easy path. It is, however, a path chosen by those with formidable strength and resolution.
Do not discount this attribute in any other who accompanies you now on this journey. For if they are here, they are here to help. You need not agree with what or how they do what they do ~ and that is as it is meant to be.
They are here for similar reasons as you are, and in whatever way they are played ~ all are valid.
Above all, respect yourself and every other for the path that you’ve each chosen. It is winding and unexpected, yet ultimately leads to the highest outcome for the race.
It is with only Love that the journey was undertaken by you. It is a journey worth taking.
Remember these words in the coming days and months of 2024. It is with only Love that your journey proceeds. It will be worth every step taken.
That is all.
Thank you.