Judith Kusel
The Universal Shift
We are in the midst of an unprecedented transfiguration, such as never has happened before. I know that you are all aware of this at some levels yet it is most important to grasp this as some call it Timeline shift, but I never liked that word, for cosmically “Time” does not exist. For the whole cosmic and universal existence is not linear but telluric, spiraling. The 352 levels of creation, visible and invisible, physical and non-physical exist in spirals and many tiers of consciousness within the many tiers.
I have, since I was led to write down all which was being revealed to me on so many levels, not only was brought forward to reactivate the Crystal Temples of The White Flame on planet earth, but also to reconnect the planet with the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, for 7 represents the great expansion into the Suns beyond Suns, and highest tiers of Creation, we are not even able to comprehend.
The New Children being born from 2012, were indeed sent to incarnate from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and they carry this Illumined State, of the 7th dimension within them. This has been confirmed in the Soul Readings I have done for these children over the years.
If you can for one moment just be quiet and still, and then tune into this, you will find that deep within your own soul, something profound triggers.
For in the very beginning our Solar System and our Galaxy, via Sirius were directly linked to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination. But when the Wars of Heavens broke out and the planet between Jupiter and Mars blew itself up, earth was thrown out of orbit within the solar system of that time millions of earth years ago, and with it the whole Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, Melchior, as well as the counter solar systems.
This then had a ripple effect on this Universe and all others. Chaos reigned in heaven.
When all of this finally returned to some kind of order, we could not connect to the 7th Central Suns and the Suns beyond Suns anymore. This has now been restored, and we can connect again with this Sun, via Sirius.
Now the Universities of Light and the Higher Counsels of Light, all work from Sirius and Orion. You could say this is Head Quarters of this Universe and the Intergalactic Federation.
What most people do not understand, is that the Sun in this solar System is indeed hollow and that people are living inside the Sun, (as they do on all other planets in this Solar systems and elsewhere) and that such large Suns like the Central Suns, are indeed hollow within. There are Beings of Illumined Light living within them.
In Ancient Times they were referred to as “The Children of the Sun God” to identify them, and mostly they were the great Illuminators of the Earth, for they often came here with those from Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Bear Constellation, Cygnus, and the original twelve Master Galaxies some of which were blown up during the Wars of Heavens, but still exist in other dimensional states.
(I will not go deeper into this, for there are many levels of existence, and not all levels are physical. For indeed the most important aspects of creation are not visible to our naked eyes).
What this means is that at this moment, the original keys and codes of the first Creation, are being reactivated within us, so that we finally remember the truth of who and what we are, so that we can resume and celebrate our Universal citizenship, and reclaim our Intergalactic citizenship as well.
All is One. We are always part of this Universe and always will be, as we are part of multi-universes and all tiers of Heavens.
You will find that your own soul memory banks are triggered on energetic levels while reading this, even as your heart center expands and you realize that you are part of vast Universal family of Light, and are being reunited with all of them. They were never absent – they always have been here!
Now expand even more: – you are being activated in this moment, to be able to fully resume your first creational soul self, and unite with your galactic and Universal Self on all levels, for the more you rise in consciousness the more you can access multi-dimensional states.
You are and never have been bound by the physical illusion: your soul is not bound by anything. It is free to travel anywhere in the infinite Universes, and indeed will start remembering who and what you are in truth, on all levels.
My higher guides tell me all is possible. There are no impossibilities. We need to finally step out of the restrictive bonds of our minds and all programming we ever received on earthly levels, and step into the fullness of infinity.
In the process, realize that you create your own reality. You reality is not bound by anyone who is fear-mongering, or is predicting doom and gloom and fire and brimstone. You indeed now have the freedom to step out of all bounds and into your true Universal Soul Self.
What you focus your attention on: – is what you attract! This is Divine Law!
It is so important to every day and night now start to focus on what you truly wish to co-create in the New Earth and the New Golden Age, with love, in the highest and best ways for highest good of all.
Visualize Unity.
Visualize all people working together as one.
Feel into it.
When all embrace the diversity of everyone and everything, and know that all is one, and we are all cells in one single universal Body of Light, then in truth we are all ONE.
Visualize animals, plants, trees, people, communities of Light all working together, in love and through loving communication, as telepathy becomes the norm. The more you do this, the more you will start LIVING it, with great love, no matter what is seemingly going on around you.
This is why quiet time is so vital and necessary. If you are distracted, you cannot visualize and you cannot be in the state of stillness, where you are AS ONE with the Divine within you, and form the place of Unity, co-create with great love.
This is where the Shift now intensifies. Whatever is no longer serving our highest soul growth and good – is falling away. Disintegrating.
Step out of the Old – it is redundant!
Step into the New!
You came to this planet as a PIONEERING Soul, and you knew full well what would happen and you indeed were so exited -for your soul has been prepared for millions of earth years, exactly for this!
This is not the time of shrinking violets – it is the time of the trail blazers, the pioneers, the one who are the forerunners, the way showers and who need now to step fully into the totally unknown.
The good news it that that seeming unknown, is navigational, the navigational tools are there WITHIN your own soul, your monad and your whole Universal Backup teams are present to assist you!
Break free!
Rise up!
Expand! Expand! Expand!