This morning, I read an article about the secret Chinese biolab they found in California. I don’t want to post it here or on my Coffee page, and I especially don’t want to post the extra information about it that I found on the research board. It’s just beyond repulsive, so why give it more attention? It’s enough, in my view, to just know that such is, and has been, in place.
The thing is…by now, we’ve all read and heard about the existence of biolabs in China and Ukraine. In our ignorance, or perhaps more accurately, innocence, it may never actually have occurred to us, as Americans, that we would have them here, and at the invitation and with the support of those who’ve illegitimately managed to wriggle into positions of power.
We get it, that our “elected” officials have mostly been selected for us, with the whole voting scenario being a show for We the Unaware, basically to give us the illusion that we get to choose who represents us in goverment. Turns out, what they’re actually being paid to represent is the ultimate destruction of society, and thereby, of Humanity.
Nobody wants to consider that the bad guys have been installing dark puppets into every nook and cranny of our world…but they have been, and for an inordinately lengthy period of time.
So, what do we do with this information?
What it comes down to is that we need to have a look at why everyone is so dang interested in what the Human Collective is thinking / feeling / acting on. Earth Humans are a valuable commodity for a multitude of reasons. I’d rather forget about the food and slave aspects of that story. I mean, it’s important to know we’ve been used in that way, but I’m going with all of that being no longer a thing at this point.
Thank you White Hats. Really deeply felt gratitude.
What makes us so special, and worth dying for, if necessary? It’s a BIG story, and if you’ve followed Ismael Perez and all the other excellent bringers of Light / Information that are posted here and all over the internet globally, you know that we carry some very special coding in our DNA. There are certain beings in creation who haven’t got what we do…and they want it, or they want what we can help them get. And they don’t want us slipping from their grasp.
Up until very recently, many who’ve been the most used by team dark have been doing so without realizing it, but it’s clear now that we’re smack in the midst of what truly is a Great Awakening. The writer in me wants to find a few different terms for it, but really…it truly is exactly that, and it’s happening now.
Even though the bad guys really have tried very hard to keep us from sharing ideas and information, not to mention expanding in consciousness, Humans just are too dang rebellious to simply lay down and be owned. We’ve continually found ways to survive and to join together towards a common goal, and it may not always have been a very pretty process. Throughout history in dark times, there’s always been an underground resistance movement, generally made up of unruly Humans who just won’t be made to do any flipping thing that they don’t care to do.
This whole country is teeming with people like that right now, both armed (sometimes to the teeth) and unarmed, but All seriously fed up.
I was watching the opening ceremonies for the 2022 Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo recently, and I was quite taken with the realization of what that bunch of folks are holding for pretty much everyone on the planet right now, in their own way.
They offer prayers, and they give most sincere thanks to God. They honor family, community and country well above any kind of globalist agenda, and you won’t find a more solid-in-their-faith bunch of Christian people. I’d like to think that most of them are true Christians, and not the hyper-judgmental ones who feel that there’s only one path to God. In any case, I recognize their powerful, collective energy of Faith as a sustaining force for good on this planet.
Thank you, Rodeo People!
And finally, I want to mention that I’ve been reading Dolores Cannon’s first book, Keepers of the Garden. A number of personal puzzle pieces have chunked into place for me in reading that book. I’m about two thirds of the way through, and it’s opened my mind to what kind of planet we’re living on, and what we Starseeds are actually doing here.
Incredibly, it was written 40 years ago! If I’d read this book when in my 20’s, I’m pretty sure the field would not have been as fertile for these particular seeds as it is right now. And speaking of seeds, the description by Dolores’ client of the early Starseeding of Terrans to then become Light-aware and Divinely Conscious feels like the truth behind the story we’ve been told of the Virgin Birth. Best not hold too tightly to any of our creation stories at this point…it seems time for truth to emerge, and for us to relax about what we thought we knew.
Goodness knows, the world’s various holy books, and religions in general, have been used and distorted for quite a while, maybe from the start, and all for the purpose of controlling and directing the Human Collective. Many still cleave to what was written by men (and perhaps by or with the influence of negative ETs) but which has also been represented as the word of God. How each of us makes peace with all of that is going to be unique, and hopefully rapid and painless.
I never did buy into any of what was told to me as a kid growing up under the Roman Catholic umbrella, and I thought the nuns were just mean. Consequently, the revelations coming out in recent years about the Vatican and the Catholic Church haven’t been especially troubling to me in any way more than how a compassionate Human feels about the deception and evil there.
My point is though, through all the chaos of dissolution that we’ve been living through, that we’re here on purpose. We’re being watched and monitored by higher dimensional beings. What happens here affects pretty much all of Creation. So really, what we do with the information that we’ve been given is to use our innate and exponentially expanding powers of creation; to focus our every thought and intention on All the good for Humanity that Creator intended…all absolutely free from interference.
The rest will eventually fade from awareness, and we shall prevail. According to some, we already have. In the name of the Light and for the highest good of All Concerned…